Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 24, 2021
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
If you like someone new, you're likely to just say so through a funny compliment or a friendly invite. That's great for you -- this kind of stuff can really get the romantic ball rolling!
Everyone loves you right now -- you're as charismatic as they come, especially given your good energy -- but you wait to respond until it looks worthwhile. New information and perspective is coming!
Today is perfect for taking a few steps (or a big leap) in the right romantic direction. Reach out to new people online and make plans with a single friend to get out and meet some new people.
Today is more about love-thy-neighbor than love-of-your life, so take extra care in your interpersonal relations. Being nice to that irritating colleague could have an interesting side effect.
Ride today's wave of romantic energy -- don't hesitate to send out or respond to messages. This means both the overt kind and the subtler sort of signals. Tonight is all about selflessly helping others.
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You need to open yourself up for fun today. Get important work done during the day, and make awesome plans for tonight -- preferably involving new stuff and new faces. You're as hot as can be!
Indulge yourself with flirty messages during the day, when romantic business (as well as other matters) is tilted in your favor. Later tonight, the energy shifts somewhat, and you may just need some alone time.
Wait until later in the day, or even tonight, to take care of any romantic business. The earlier energy is a bit confusing, but you're getting fresh clarity soon after, so hold off until it comes!
You've got amazing romantic possibilities today, so don't let them go to waste! Update your profile, send some winks, make plans for later. By tonight, you should be dealing with practical matters.
Getting anything done today might be hard, but stick to it! Make fun plans for later tonight, and make sure you don't work late -- you've got amazing (and hot) cosmic energy flowing your way then.
The daytime brings an energy that's more welcoming to romance than what comes tonight, so make the most of it. Reaching out is strongly favored, so send messages, issue invites and keep smiling!
Are you ready for what's coming? You don't want to miss it. Keep your eyes open as well as your mind. Being aware of everything that's going on around you is quite revealing (and rewarding) now.
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