Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 05, 2021
Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.
You're not getting what you're giving -- and you don't like it at all. Look at the company you're keeping: you hang with a bunch of takers. When you change your homies, you'll change your perspective. Stick with the winners.
Talk, talk, talk. No wonder your level of intimacy with a certain someone is at an all-time low. You spend most of your time hiding behind a wall of words. Sometimes, the best opportunity for closeness lies in silence. Turn down the lights -- and the sheets, too.
Don't take your standing with another person for granted. They may feel you're in an exclusive arrangement. Before you go out and break their heart with another honey, clear the air. Honesty isn't always easy, but it is effective.
Sometimes for you communication is a one-way street: you talk, they listen. Instead of waiting to pounce in a conversation, ease back and let the words flow from the other person. Absorb the message -- you might hear something crucial.
You're a commitmentphobe lately -- so what? Relish your life and enjoy your unattached status. Don't worry about the underlying issues just yet. You have plenty of time to work that stuff out later. For now, just chill and balk at all that mushy stuff.
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
Don't blame your lack of luck on the universe -- it's up to you to put yourself in the right place at the right time. So if you're sitting around, waiting for something to happen, it won't. Get out there and shake things up. Even a walk around the block will improve the odds.
You think you want this; you think you want that. Wants and needs, as they apply to your life right now, are at an impasse. Most likely you're really just manipulating your environment to fit your needs. The best way around that is a day of nothing. Just be good with where you're at.
Dating is like mining for valuables on a beach -- you sift through lots of sand before you get to the good stuff. And that's just how it is. Use these opportunities to refine your qualifications. Are you really seeking and meeting people who fit your ideal?
This is a painful time in your life -- everything seems so shifty and unsettled. Between work and romance, you wonder when it all with settle into a cool, comfortable routine. It may not for a while, so just plant those feet and find your sea legs.
When you're playing a part, you won't please anyone -- someone will always find fault with your performance. That's why it's imperative to be true to yourself right now. Who cares what everyone else is doing? Find activities that resonate with your soul.
Dating for you should be more about finding someone who shares similar emotional baggage and less about hooking up for material contrivances. Depth is where it's at. All the other stuff will fall into place if your intentions are flexible.
The challenge ceases to be about finding Mr. or Mrs. Right -- that's just impossible. You must become a better person through this experience. Once you live according to higher ideals and values, you'll attract a higher quality specimen.
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