Your Daily MomScope for September 30, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Taking some time for yourself isn't a selfish act today. First, you need to recharge your batteries. Then you need to dig up some new information for a project you're planning. The kids will understand, if you take time to explain.
A parenting issue is on your mind, and you just can't seem to resolve it. Strangely, people you barely know prove more helpful than those near and dear. Try bouncing your problem off some of the other parents during playgroup.
You can inspire the kiddo to do all sorts of interesting things, today. Maybe they want to make a fort in the living room or have a scavenger hunt in the yard. Encourage them to have more fun, no matter what they do.
You long for peace and quiet today. Of course, it will be in short supply, what with the kids and friends -- and their usual ruckus. Working on your mommy blog or journal not only helps you tune it all out, but provides emotional release as well.
Vanity can lead to learning today. It'll likely start by baby mimicking your time in front of the mirror. It's time you helped them explore this or some other phenomenon around them, so they begin to understand how things work.
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Your sensitivity today works in your favor. Responding to others needs will allow you to gain their trust, which will help you in the future. And your other half will be thrilled by a small gift or thoughtful gesture.
Unleash your decorator goddess side, because today you can achieve miracles. Help a friend with a decorating project, or tackle that upgrade to the tyke's room. It really is time they had a more grownup theme going on in there.
The kiddo gets an arts-and-crafts fix at day care every day. But what about your creative side? You won't be happy today unless you find a way to express yourself, so grab a paintbrush, take a dance class -- do whatever feels right.
Your little one will be grateful you're such a great detective. Like when you track down the lost binky or stuffed animal. Of course, when you also locate the lost homework paper that needs completing, they're not so thrilled.
Bringing art or music or some other form of expression into your tyke's life tops the agenda today. Take them to an art gallery or go pick up a new CD of children's music. You might enjoy it as much as they do!
You have big plans for today -- most of them expensive. Try to take a more economical tack, like having the party in the backyard instead of a restaurant. A flash of insight could lead to more cash in the bank soon.
You need to escape from the everyday. If you really try, you can get your partner to go along with your plan for a weekend getaway. Tact works better than emotional blackmail, though the tyke's cuteness can be employed as last resort.
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