Your Daily MomScope for September 09, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
The road to success may be longer than you hoped, but you know you're headed in the right direction. Today, you should set your intention and then just let it go, like your little one's high-flying kite.
How do they come up with these things? Today, don't pooh-pooh your tyke's new views just because they aren't in line with yours. At school or day care they may learn to see things from another perspective, which is important for them.
Watch for hidden agendas today. Sis or Mom might be sincere in volunteering to babysit. Or they might want to spoil your little darling to death, letting them run wild, eat loads of sweets and ignore their bedtime. Be on your guard.
It's one of those days when you're sure that most things just won't go right. But you should be aware that you also have the potential to turn many difficulties into blessings today. Get out and work some magic.
This is a good day to work on establishing your authority with your child. Some things, like never crossing the street on their own, are not negotiable. Others, like the number of bedtime stories allowed, you are up for discussion.
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When it comes to your little tyke, it's best to be creative rather than critical. Pointing out what's off about their art project may hinder them. But there must be something positive you can say about those purple cows!
What a great team you and your baby make. You rake up leaves in the yard, they jump in the pile. They track mud across the kitchen, you mop them up. Sounds like a pretty perfect partnership you have going there.
Your little one should get ready to strut their stuff today. You'll want to show them off to friends or relatives -- how they've grown and that new song or poem or dance they've learned. It's showtime for them!
This would be a wonderful day to give your little one a taste of philanthropy. If they look, there are sure to be some extra toys or games they no longer play with to donate. They could also ask their friends in the neighborhood to contribute.
Obstacles? What obstacles? Today is a high-energy day in which you feel you can conquer the world. You'll find most plans unfold exactly as you wish, and you're well on your way to having a great day with your baby.
Guess what? Though you hide it from your tyke, at times you are completely unsure about what is going on around you. Today is one of those days -- but it's only a passing phase and tomorrow you will be on top of your game once more.
Someday, your little tyke will be able to fulfill the many dreams you have for them. No matter that today they seem incredibly unrealistic. Go ahead and dream widescreen and in Imax -- your child certainly does!
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