Your Daily MomScope for October 04, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


With so many bargains at the mall, it'll be tough to stick to the budget. It doesn't help when the little one sees so many things they can't live without. Be firm but fair, especially beside the check-out line.


Your kid and their friends may try to throw you off track. But you run the show today, and calmly get them back into line. Later you'll work your magic with your other half, and explore the romantic and sensual side of chocolate.


It's tempting to fake a sick day today. But what kind of example would that set for your little one? Make a small escape instead, to the spa or salon over lunch. Or see if you can get the whole afternoon off; just ask!


You don't always let yourself entertain crazy thoughts. But today, the crazier the better! Let your little dress up in nutty costumes and march around the house. Better yet, join in! You can always be serious later.


A higher up is wondering whether you'll be able to complete the project on time. No sweat, as this is one day you can ace just about anything. If someone influential enters the picture, make sure to introduce yourself.

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Check out some family-oriented travel deals online. You find the lure of far-off shores enticing, but doubt your other half go along with it. Get the kiddo on board as you build your case. There's strength in numbers today.


This is a day of indulgences. Of course, that could mean the tyke will get an extra cookie or two. But mostly it means you will (and should) find time for a manicure or massage, or other treat. You so deserve it.


Earthy pleasures are favored today. It could be literal, as in getting the kiddo to help you rake leaves. Or figurative, as in planning a sensual surprise for your partner tonight. With luck you can have both.


Much as you wish life were one big snack time, finger foods will only take you so far. Try to sit down to at least one full meal with the kiddo each day. It'll do you both a world of good and your waistline will benefit, too.


You crave a little warmth. Get yourself organized, because tonight your mind will be on a passionate interlude. Make some time for amour -- complete with wine, candles, rose petals, the works -- just you and the other half.


You can help your kiddo make an important discovery today. There's something that they will learn that will change the way they think about things tomorrow. You'll want to play a major role in this all-important transformation.


This is a nicely indulgent day, so you might want to keep your options open. You could book an express spa treat over your lunch hour. Or surprise the family with a gourmet supper -- no occasion, you just feel like treating them.

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