Your Daily MomScope for January 29, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Much as you're tempted to play hooky, stick to the routine today. You'll gain much more satisfaction in knowing you've crossed a lot of items off the to-do list. Maybe you'll even get a jump on the spring cleaning.
Bon voyage! Today is a great day to indulge the wanderlust and make plans for that next family trip. Your tyke will want to get in on the fun. In deciding where to go, they may learn or practice their map reading.
There's much to do today, but find a few minutes to catch up on correspondence. Fire off some emails to all the people who are waiting to hear the latest about the kiddo's exploits. You have some doozies to tell.
Time for some tasty treats! Distract your kiddo so they can't see that carrots are going in the chocolate cake and zucchini in the sweet bread. You're not only a good cook today but a canny nutritionist as well.
This would be a good day to check out all magazines and websites full of spring fashion trends for you and the kiddo. With a little ingenuity, you can get the latest looks for you both without blowing the budget.
Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!
You like to help others, so why not give your little one a lesson in this valuable life skill? When another kid needs a helping hand, let your child be the one to pitch in. Then be there to guide them -- just in case.
It's a good day to experiment with doing as little as possible. Cut your schedule back to a minimum because you need the break. You and the kiddo might pass by a flower shop to literally stop and smell the roses.
If your baby seems sad, you'll do them a huge favor by inviting some new friends over for a play date. The little ones can hang out and play some games, then enjoy a little snack. It's simple, really.
Some exercise may be in order today for both you and for your tyke. The big drawback to Mommy and Me yoga: Your child is so much more flexible than you are. Don't let it get to you -- they're just made that way.
You'll be amazed by what you can accomplish today with a little multitasking. The kiddo may master two new letters or numbers while accompanying you on a day of errands. Revel in all this high-powered productivity.
You may have to play the cultural critic. The kiddos may be doing their own version of Neighborhood Idol, and need you to tell them how the performance went. Make sure you're the nice judge, not the one everyone boos.
This has the makings of a good day for both love and money. You might make a smart move that adds to your bank balance. And against the odds you and your partner can find a way to spend some time together, just you two.
Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.
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