Your Daily MomScope for January 15, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
An unpredictable trend could upset your schedule early in the day. But if you roll with the changes, you and your tyke will enjoy a get-together or paying a call on a friend nearby. Be prepared for drop-in guests, too.
Most of the news you receive today will be surprising, and some will be discouraging. Take the long-term view and know it will all work out in the end. Follow a playful impulse and organize some new games for your little one.
As a mom, you know you must have eyes on the back of your head, so you can keep a close watch on that little one of yours. Today, they may ask you to back off just a little, lest you turn into one of those helicopter moms!
If you find yourself becoming irritable today, it's a sure sign you need a breather. Take some time for yourself, even if it's just an extra-long bubble bath. You'll feel relaxed and refreshed after a little 'me' time.
Did you know that plutonium was discovered on this day? You and your little one will not have to stretch to find some reason to celebrate today. You might just bake a cake and invite some friends and have a party -- just for the heck of it.
Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
Don't act too surprised if your kiddo picks up some newfangled notions from their peers. It could be about sippy cups or solid food or even baby tattoos. With your logical reasoning, you'll help them determine which are sensible and which aren't.
Idle hands tend to dismantle the music player or smear grape jelly all over the wall. Whenever it seems like your tyke is ready to experience a new thing, have a new activity ready. Today, you can come up with some doozies.
Like your kiddo in front of the cookie jar, you're well aware that the temptation is there today. But a new investment or business opportunity might not be all that sound. Investigate further before you sign on.
An invite you receive early in the day may surprise you -- and also set the tone for the day. You and your little one should have your glad rags ready. For you just might find your dance cards are very full today.
Your child's brain is a wonderful thing: It starts working first thing in the morning and doesn't stop until you ask it a question! Today, you can easily slip into the role of teacher, helping them master some skill or solve some vital problem.
There's a good chance you will find ways to communicate creatively with your little tyke today. When they get caught up in sledding or skating or some other game with their friends, you might come up with some hand signals to wave them on in.
Let your imagination guide you in crafting a perfect day for you and your little tyke. It could involve educational games or some shopping or mingling with a new crowd at the playground. It's going to be great, whatever you do.
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