Your Daily MomScope for January 03, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
If you rush ahead, you'll only fall behind today. Pay extra attention while on the road and when using utensils, as haste can make for slip-ups. Good things will come to you and your little one in their own good time, so take it easy.
You're in a very affectionate mood today, and not afraid to show your feelings. The kiddo won't mind a bit getting so many hugs. But when you and Dad keep stealing caresses -- hey, get a room, why don't you?
Even though you have a long to-do list today, best give priority to catching up on the correspondence. Fire off some emails or cards or letters to all the people who are waiting to hear from you -- with your kiddo's help, of course.
You can help your tyke communicate today. When they want something, make sure they graduate from simply crying and pointing to using some words. And if they can add 'please' and 'thank you' they'll have it made.
It's a good day to teach the tykes about impulse control. When you take them to the toy store, they may toss every toy or game they see into the cart. Much as they like all the bright boxes, stress 'look, don't touch.'
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You may have a strong urge to help others today, be it to give a hand to a neighbor, a friend, or to pitch in for the community. Every little bit helps, and you shouldn't discount what a valuable contribution you can make.
That nagging voice in your head is trying to tell you something. Listen to it! Once you stop procrastinating and tackle the issue, all will be well. Then you'll be free for a little sledding or sandbox time with the little one.
A friend or coworker may confide a deep, dark secret to you today. Of course, you can be relied upon to keep it to yourself and be totally discreet. You'll also go out of your way to help this person in any way you can.
If you rush ahead, you'll only fall back today. Be patient when in line with your little one, whether at the supermarket or ski hill, and you'll make better progress. You'll get a lot done if you take tasks one by one.
This would be a great day to tackle some paperwork or banking, or any project that requires planning. You're able to cut through red tape with surgical precision. Which helps you cut some good deals for the tyke.
You're more grounded than some people give you credit for. Today, you may surprise them with how calmly you handle an issue at school or daycare with your kiddo. You're able to quickly grasp the situation and move on.
You always enjoy helping others and should have plenty of opportunities to do so today. Someone will need a helping hand at work, and you have the right skills to assist them. You'll get more done as a team, anyway.
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