Your Daily MomScope for December 29, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Does that little one of yours know the value of a dollar? Or the importance of treating others with courtesy and respect? Today, you will want to work on instilling good core values in them. Enjoy the process as it unfolds.


It's a high energy day, and a perfect time to get into some wholesome home cooking. While you're on a roll, make several special dishes and stock up the freezer. It's always good to have nutritious choices on hand for your little ones.


You're a natural storyteller. Today you might want to cut down on the time spent around the water cooler spinning your yarns. But your kiddo can't wait until it's time for bedtime stories because you tell the best ones ever.


Your baby is quite an original, so make sure they know this. You're more open to new ideas and ways of doing things today, so they should make the most of it. They have a unique take on the world; cherish it with all your heart.


You may feel like you're being bogged down by the system, such as an inefficient lineup system at the bank. But if you're patient and wait your turn it will be worth it. A savvy someone may come to your assistance.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


This is a good day to check out some family-oriented travel deals. Be careful what you show the kiddo, though. Once they get it in their head they can swim with sharks or waterfall bungee, it will be hard to dissuade them.


You of all people know the value of sharing. This would be a great day to pass on some of your valuable mom tips to others. You'll receive tons of valuable advice in return -- which is a real win-win for everyone.


You feel inspired and passionate -- a powerful combination. You could use the energy to campaign for a cause dear to your heart. Or to plan a romantic interlude with your other half. Or maybe you'll pull off both today.


Even though there's a lot of small stuff to deal with today, don't sweat it. You'll breeze through a backlog of chores, on the job and off. There's nothing you can't handle once you get going. So get going!


When it comes to your family, you're an excellent provider. This is one of those days when you'll want to stock the larder, though that doesn't seem to excite the kiddo. You know you save when you buy in bulk.


This is a good day to show the apple of your eye exactly which branch of the family tree they're on. Your tyke may want to know what countries their ancestors came from and what brought them to this country. Tell stories of the past.


Hooray for day camp! Today, you'll find this or some other opportunity for your little tyke to explore their creative side. This will free you up for some quality novel reading or hammock lounging time yourself. Well done.

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