Your Daily MomScope for December 28, 2023
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
'But I wanted the (sob) blue one!' Your little one could have a meltdown today. Try to head it off before it gets full blown. Show them it's easier to overcome obstacles if they keep their cool.
Don't be surprised if you run across some moody people today. You may not have any influence on most, but you can help your tyke channel their emotional energy more positively. Urge them to keep it light and fun, and it will all end in hugs.
Was that a sniffle or just a runny nose from being outside in the cold air? Keep lots of tissues handy, and review the hand washing and other preventative measures with your tyke, so you can both stay cold-free for a while longer.
This is a day of emotional intensity. So when something is a bit off all day at daycare, your kiddo may overreact. Have lots of hugs and kisses ready, and perhaps the promise of a big treat. That should take their mind off it all quickly.
You're fired up with ambition today, but would be wise not to storm the lion's den. Your boss might not be as receptive to your big ideas as you thought. It's better to reset your strategy and focus on domestic matters today.
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Being a child, your kiddo's emotional nature is a major driving force in their life. But because they can't always express what they're feeling, it's up to you to figure it out. Today, you will discover important clues that will help you to do so.
Clutter, clutter, everywhere -- how did it happen? This would be a good day to go through your tyke's closet and weed out the outgrown and never used. Do it now, while your sentimental side is less likely to take over.
Where's the action? Pretty much anywhere you are today. Whatever you decide to focus on, you'll tackle it with gusto. Your child had better eat some energizing foods and get a good nap in -- they'll need it to keep up with you.
There are good urges and bad urges, as you keep telling your little one. Today, there is no need to feel guilty about a desire for some 'me' time. In fact, it's just what you need now to recharge your batteries.
You're going to want to look at all the details today. This is an excellent idea in whatever you do, whether it's a new daycare contract or a project at work or other important matter. You find it easy to spot what others overlook today.
True to your sign, you have a strong desire to be socially useful. This would be the perfect day to look into volunteer opportunities in your community. Some may allow you to involve your kiddo as well, which is a nice bonus.
'When in worry and in doubt, run around, scream and shout.' This may seem to be your child's favorite rhyme today. You might counter with: 'If this instant you don't stop, Mom will really blow her top!'
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