Your Daily MomScope for August 31, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
In the drive for success, you're shifting into high gear today. Other people had best get out of your way, because you're not about to let anything stop you. You will make a detour around bedtime, though, for that all-important story time.
Your tyke has difficulty seeing things from another perspective because they're a kid. Today, you may get the message that you could make more of an effort to be open-minded. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what happens if you do.
You are so hard-working these days, you surprise even yourself! Make sure you take some time to help your little one today with their own important accomplishments, mastering their colors and shapes or quantum physics.
Your little one might have some problems at daycare today -- or not. Check in to make sure that all is okay, and then let them get on with their day. If you turn into a 'helicopter mom,' you'll only be told to buzz off!
Nothing beats boredom like a new outfit. Not in the budget? Update last year's dress with a scarf and belt and bag from the second-hand store or that you borrow. You will be one stylish frugalista today!
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You're filled with ambition today, enough to get you to take a crucial step forward. Send out a resume or make an appointment or book a lunch -- whatever will take you at least one step closer to your goal.
Watch out. They could start mixing it up down at the playground. A big argument about who kicked over whose snowman could erupt. Today, it's up to you to help your child -- and maybe some grownups -- overcome such tensions.
It's time your child learned that some things are sacred. Pick one spot in the house that you want for yourself, then make it clear that anything found there is not to be touched. It might work. Maybe. Please?
It's up to you to help keep the family budget in check today. For the family outing, it might be fun to eat at a restaurant along the way. But a winter picnic lunch can be a cost-saver and a lot of fun for both you and your kiddo.
You have needs! Today, your drive and determination shift into high gear when it comes to a career or other goal. It's okay to make it a priority for a while; soon enough you'll be back to putting your little one first.
You have a dream, a wonderful dream! Today, even though you must fulfill many obligations to your kiddo and your family and your job, this fact will sustain you. There are no limits to your potential once you get going.
Your little one has friends in high places? Today, they may not get past the velvet rope at that fancy daycare do, or on the waiting list for that swanky new school. But you've got each other, and that's all that really matters.
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