Your Daily MomScope for August 20, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You are so ready! This is a great day to get people interested in that pet project. Your enthusiasm helps put you in the right place at the right time at work. And inspires your child to at least try those funny green things on their plate.
A power struggle could break out around your tyke today. It will most likely be over who gets to play with which game first at daycare. Just use some of your famous cool and you can help smooth over just about any situation.
Everyone has to put their two cents in it seems. Today, you can teach your child the value of thinking before they chime in with an opinion. And that just because someone disagrees with them doesn't mean they are wrong.
You love to show off your little tyke to anyone and everyone -- and why not? Today, you will find new ways to demonstrate your great pride in your offspring, perhaps by posting all those great photos and videos of them.
Today, you will find you have creativity to spare. Use it to put that finishing touch on that report at work, or gourmet feast for the family, or your tyke's wardrobe. Or dazzle everyone by doing all at once!
Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!
Can you say stage mom? When you have a little one who is so creative, you naturally want them to have every opportunity to express themselves. Today, you can (and should) nurture that impulse without overdoing it.
You may notice that you tend to bite off more than you can chew today -- either literally or figuratively. You might just need to stick to current projects. Or maybe not polish off your kiddo's unfinished lunch.
If you want it, you can pretty much have it today. It might be the day you ask for that raise, promotion or something else you've been longing for. You could be both surprised and pleased at the result.
With so many negative people in the world, it's hard not to let them get you down. But today, you'll find it easy to do so. Just let a smile be your umbrella and you and your little one will sail through any storms in style.
Caution: Possible danger ahead. You would be wise to be extra skeptical in business dealings today. Be especially wary of those who are trying to get you to do more than your fair share. With a little vigilance, you'll do just fine.
You want them to have a healthy and delicious lunch. They want to take those delicious snacks you made and feed them to the doggie. Compromise is needed for you both to have a great day -- and to ensure proper nutrition all around!
Does mom really know best? Today you will want to back off and let your little one form their own opinions about an important matter. What you learn will be enlightening about the way they think and feel about things.
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