Your Daily MomScope for August 18, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Who has time to eat? Grabbing a meal while on the go can lead to choices that may not provide all the nutrition your little tyke needs. If you look, today you can find options that are easy and fast and healthy.
You will find you want to have a good conversation today. Take your tyke out to lunch for a nice chat, or meet with the girls after Mommy and Me class. Most of the talk today will run to feelings, which is fine with you.
Your kiddo may find you are less adaptable than they thought. You're quick to get with the program when they make a reasonable request. But you're ready to set limits, especially when it comes to social networking and body piercing!
Even though you dislike confrontation, sometimes (like today) you must put yourself forward. But you'll feel much better if you assert yourself with that coworker or pushy neighbor. Be firm and consistent, just like with your tyke!
Despite your very best intentions, it may be difficult to maintain good will around the playground today. Like any good leader, know when to help your little one retreat and regroup, and when to urge them to forge ahead.
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It's the perfect day for a gathering, although it may not go exactly as planned. Last-minute cancellations and surprise guests could mean the guest list is mutable. But at least you and your kiddo will get to meet new people.
Setting up a new schedule for your little one? Much as you're eager for them to experience new things -- and they second that motion -- don't overdo it. It's better for them to have quality activities over quantity.
You might not be the only one itching to try something new today. That foreign restaurant with the intriguing menu? Your little one might enjoy figuring out what all the dishes are as much as you do. Give it a taste test.
Every relationship goes through ups and downs. And the money situation usually adds extra pressure. Today, try to be patient with your partner and ask that they do the same, and you'll navigate this day with ease.
Take a little break from being in charge, and let someone else call the shots. Your partner might shoulder more of the household responsibilities, if only for a day. But when it comes to your child, mom still rules!
Time to move on. Today, you may find that you make an important decision about literally moving or changing your home, or about leaving some issue behind. Once you do, you'll feel much better about everything.
Is the same old, same old making you bored? A creative project would be just the thing to break the routine for you and your little one today. Whatever you choose -- picture or song or dance or sandcastle -- it's going to be great.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
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