Your Daily MomScope for August 07, 2021
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Today, you may want to encourage your little tyke to work in groups. Bring out all your team skills and pass them along. Watching them take it to heart as they build a tower of blocks or other project is a sight to behold.
If that tyke of yours is acting strangely, it's most likely a ploy to get a rise out of you. You can foil them by simply going along and being goofy yourself. If that fails, you can always just ignore them.
Wishing you and your little one could be off to foreign shores today? Even if such a trip is not in the cards, you can always take that dream trip together on the Internet or by watching movies or cutting pictures out of magazines.
Today, you will want to make sure your little tyke does the right thing. They may be tempted to do something they know they shouldn't, maybe because some other kid is egging them on. They should respect the conscience of the community.
Today, you will likely find your kiddo is clinging a little too tightly for your patience level. Create intriguing diversions, like a play date with their bestest, bestest friend -- but don't sulk when they forget all about you!
What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!
Bottles are so over, it's time to usher in the year of the sippy cup. No matter what stage they're at, it's time for your little one to experiment to learn something new. This first step is going to be exciting, so get ready.
What a great team you and your baby make. You shovel snow off the walk, they jump in the snow bank and knock it back down. It's a pretty perfect partnership you have going there, and today you'll find ways to make it work even more smoothly.
There are so many different ways to do things -- as your mother-in-law keeps telling you! But if you ignore the source, there may be good advice there for you, advice you can use to improve things for your child. Keep an open mind.
You are, like, so hip to the trip. Today, your kiddo may be amazed at how well you comprehend new ideas and keep up with what's happening. Just bask in their wonderment at how someone so old can think so young.
If your little one's plans don't go as expected, having a contingency plan will save the day. You can always move the skating party from the outdoor rink to a pretend one in the living room. Hot chocolate, anyone?
Something very exciting awaits you -- and by extension your kiddo -- today. It could be great news or a special event is on tap, so get ready to celebrate together. Lots of cheering and clapping will be in order.
Dream a little dream for me. When it comes to your child, go ahead and visualize a widescreen, HD future, with all the success and happiness and fulfillment imaginable. If you don't do it for them, who will?
Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!
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