Your Daily MomScope for April 30, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Details, details, details: You try to ignore them, but they just won't go away! Today, you will overcome any frustration and remember what to put in your tyke's backpack, plus pick up the dry cleaning and what all else.
Knock, knock. Who's there? Art. Art who? Art-ermometer says it's cold outside! Who said art is serious business? Today, you and your little tyke will have the most fun when indulging in creative pursuits.
Catching up on correspondence is a high priority today. No time? Bring some old fashioned paper and jot some notes in between errands. Tuck some artwork from your little tyke in the envelope and voila! A letter to remember.
It's a good day. You're tempted to think you must do something meaningful and productive with your tyke. But they will enjoy it more if you simply spend more time with them and do something fun, like sledding. Whee!
Time to crunch some numbers. While your tyke is at day care or down for a nap, have a look at the budget and pay some bills. You'll feel much better starting the month with a firm grip on where the money is going.
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How can your little tyke find anything in that rat's nest? Once you get a system and things in their place, you'll both feel much better. Today, especially, things somehow seem brighter to you when you are well-organized.
It's one of those days when the tables are reversed: You could learn a lesson from your tyke. They seem to let go of grudges easily. If you can release some resentment towards a coworker, you will find the relationship improves dramatically.
The devil is in the details, they say. Today, you may find there's a lot more to throwing your kiddo a party or piloting that project at work than you thought. But you will cross a lot of items off your list today.
'Oh, yeah. I forgot I had to do some math homework -- can you help me, Mom?' The day may be full of little surprises like this one that throw you off track. Stopping for a little yoga or contemplation will restore balance.
Up and at 'em! Your tyke had better get ready, because you have places to go and people to see. Getting a jump on that to-do list is an excellent idea, because later in the day unexpected events may throw you off track.
Take a new job that pays double what you're making now? Today, you would be wise to exercise more caution than usual in business dealings. If a scheme sounds too good to be true, it most likely is not what it's cracked up to be.
Some days you need to set some boundaries -- and this could very well be one. If you find your tyke is being too critical or otherwise acting in a way that is hurtful, call a halt. Your rapport will improve once you do.
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