Your Daily MomScope for April 21, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You may find that your reputation precedes you in some way today. Like how you're such a good sport and chauffeuring your tyke and all their friends around. So now who's looking good to drive the gang on that big beach outing?
Time to take a mini trip, as your little one is ready for a vacation. It might just be a visit to a state park. But you can always bring along some brochures or go online and research some itineraries for bigger travels in the future.
Your little one may have a hidden agenda today. That low-key backyard barbecue could turn into a neighborhood event once they spread the word. Keep an eye on to whom they speak or text -- or just make sure there are enough burgers!
Your healing skills may come into play today. It could be an outdoor adventure will result in some insect bites or a scraped knee. Or, you may have to put some balm on hurt feelings when another kid says something your little one didn't like.
You will find that your baby has issues with authority today. They might not want to be told what they can or cannot do by that lifeguard or sports coach. Time to break it down for them about people who have their best interests at heart.
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They say you know you're a mom when you stop criticizing the way your mother raised you. Today, you should also ease up on the self-evaluation. If you need an example of what a good mother you are, just look at your kiddo!
This is a great day to acquaint your kiddo with the concept of partnership. You pack the picnic, they gobble everything up. You show them how to build a sandcastle, they storm the turret. You get frustrated, they smile and melt your heart.
It's a good thing you have so much self-control. Your baby can't always count on having parents around to keep an eye on them. Today is a good day to practice holding back and letting them try out the wading pool for themselves.
Philanthropy begins at home. Today, you will find ways to be generous as you and your kiddo go about your day. You might invite a child to share your beach or poolside adventures who ordinarily wouldn't have a chance to do so.
You always know how to encourage your tyke, such as using words of praise as they begin to learn to swim. Today, it is you who will get some positive feedback about how well you're doing as a mother. And the words will be sweet.
They say you know you're a mom when you only get time to shave one leg at a time! Today, let Dad or someone else take over for a while. Then you can shave both or make some headway on that novel or otherwise take some time for yourself.
Subtlety is your specialty. Today, the gang down at the sandbox needs a leader to help them to build that big sand-high-end-loft-conversion-with-first-floor-retail-space. They'll hardly notice that it was you who got them going in the right direction.
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