Your Daily MomScope for April 20, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Your friends and family had better get ready to be impressed. Your ambition for your baby could make you a bit of a stage mom today. You will want them to show off for all, be it singing, dancing, playing an instrument or just rolling over.
Whoa! What's the rush? You may find that you're still restless today, which can lead to impatience at times. But your tyke needs you to slow down and help them with that big puzzle or other project. Give them your full attention along with a few hugs.
Be prepared for some damage control when it comes to your little tyke. With so many old friends and relatives around, they may have heard some stories of you when you were little that you wish they hadn't. It's up to you to set the record straight!
Your little tyke tends to say things before they think, to blurt out something you wish they hadn't. No need to apologize -- people understand that that's just what kids do. But today it might be you who shoots from the lip, and later has a lot of damage control to do.
Today, someone will likely try to change your opinion in some way. It could be your little one has come up with a new way to use turkey leftovers. Or it could be a friend who questions your approach to parenting. Hear them out, but know your own mind.
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Your little one may not want to share their toys and games with the other kids today. The best way to remedy this is to remind them there is something in it for them if they do. Turnabout is fair play: If they don't share, neither will the other kids.
Today, you will want to make the effort to spend some extra one-on-one time with your tyke. You've been so busy with work and family and other stuff that they have been feeling a little neglected of late. You can make up for it all with a little extra attention.
Whether or not you overindulged recently, it is a good day to pay attention to fitness. Get with a new routine or improve the old one. Change is always difficult, but will be easier if you can get a friend or your other half to go along.
Love is in the air today. If your tyke should develop a roaring crush on another child, try to back off and let them deal with it. But you can become wholeheartedly involved in reigniting the flame with your other half -- after lights out, of course.
You and your baby are bound to be on the go, visiting friends and relatives and neighbors. Make sure you conduct a safety check of any home you're visiting. Only you know exactly what your little one can get up to when no one is around!
You want your little tyke to be on the cutting edge today, especially when it comes to fashion. But even though the 80s look is big now, they might not want to look like a little Bon Jovi or early Madonna, or have shoulder pads in their onesies.
Your family's needs and wants are like a big puzzle. Today, you may feel it is up to you to see that all the pieces fit together and that everyone gets along. Do what you can, but realize there's only so much you can do, though it's good to make the effort.
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