Your Daily MomScope for April 13, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
You'd be much better off by leading by example today, because you know that preaching will not get you anywhere. So clean your plate, get to bed early and tidy up your room. Then watch your tyke do the same -- eventually.
You may have to explain some fact of life to your kiddo today. Like that a doggie or kitty they meet will not necessarily be friendly or able to talk as in the cartoons. They should know that all is not as it seems.
You and your little tyke are so hard-working these days. You might be surprised at what they are able to accomplish while you were busy. This would be a good day to reward their feats with a ribbon, applause, certificate or extra cookie.
Sometimes it's hard to have a social life or a personal life when you're a mom. But today, you just might be able to find a way to insure you have both. Where there's a will there's a way, and you have the will -- so you will!
You should go out of your way to make a good impression today. There's someone you will meet who could have a major impact on your career or other big goal. Your child should be on their best behavior, too.
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Today, you will get a sign that your hard work with your little one is paying off. It could be when they bring a good report home from school, or score a goal or some other accomplishment. Take time to congratulate yourself as well as them.
Life can't be all fun and games -- but you will give it a good try anyway, much to your little one's delight. By day's end, though, you may find it hard to get them to unwind, and may have to exert your authority to get them to bed.
There's a good chance that the people in the corner office will be in a good mood today -- which makes it an optimal day to ask for some time off or a plum parking spot. It's still important to go though proper channels, though.
It's best to expect the unexpected today. Some surprises will be happy ones, others not so much, and your ability to think on your feet is what will save the day. After such an active day, allow extra time for the kiddos to unwind around bedtime.
You may be thinking about changing your approach or style today. Your little one will be more than happy to act as stylist -- but their suggestions about the orange hair or nose rings or tattoos might be too far out for you.
Up and at 'em on what promises to be an active day. You may have to help a new employee or committee member learn the ropes, or some other unexpected task. Early in the day is best for making substantial progress.
You may have to deal with someone in authority today, such as your boss. Even though you're sure you know what's best in an important matter, show this person you can respect their views. It's the best way to ensure things go smoothly today.
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