Your Daily MomScope for April 07, 2024
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Your kiddos are clamoring for the same old foods. You want something like buffalo burgers with kumquat salsa. But if you try, you can come up with something that will be a new taste sensation without totally grossing them out.
Invite a nice mom from Mommy and Me over for supper. You're in a mood to show off your culinary skills along with your little one's many talents. Whatever you whip up is sure to be a hit with everyone around the table.
You may be a bit possessive today, either over things or territory. Some of the clutter on your desk could go. But if your little tyke tries to take over some of the space, stand your ground. You need elbow room to work effectively.
You are definitely at the helm. You can steer this day pretty much anywhere you want it to go. Get a new job? The tyke to pick up their room? Go with the flow, and see where this favorable trend takes you.
Your great intuitive powers are keen, making you more sensitive. Which means that when you get your little one to the doctor's office, the shot may hurt you more. Be prepared and take a lollipop for yourself, too.
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Assistance is available to you today and can be found in surprising places. A friend may offer to babysit out of the blue, or your kiddo may take out the trash without being asked. You just never know where the helping hand will come from.
An ocean of emotion swirls around you, but you can smooth the current. Let your tyke get a few things off their chest without interrupting the flow. They'll feel so much better, they might forget to have a tantrum.
You will astonish your little one with your tremendous powers of intuition today. You're able to figure out what's going to happen next every time. Like how after only one bedtime story, they're going to ask for another. Amazing.
The more flexible you are, the more smoothly today will run. When your little one decides they'd rather run errands with you than stay home with Dad, be a good sport about it. They're very good company, after all.
It's important to teach your tyke that they shouldn't always take things personally. The fact that the magician didn't pick them to be in the act doesn't mean anything more than that. There really will be a next time.
The trouble with chores, as your little one is quick to point out, is that they just don't stay done! Still, that doesn't mean you and your child can't have fun while you're at it. It may make the work go slower, but at least you'll both be laughing.
Your kiddo is ready to perform, but there's no reason why they should pander to the lowest common denominator. With your coaching, what they do will be nine babies favorite thing instead of 100 babies ninth-favorite thing!
What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! ??