Your Daily MomScope for April 03, 2022
It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.
Remember that goal about getting more fit? This would be an excellent day to make some lifestyle changes that will benefit both you and your kiddo. Try some physical exercise with other moms, perhaps stroller aerobics.
Smoooooch! Your little one may try to add sound effects when you lavish your other half with caresses. Make sure to save an extra hug or two for them. Then reserve the heavy petting for after their bedtime.
The busybodies emerge at the office -- should you join them? It's good to keep up on the latest buzz, which could pay off down the road. But should the conversation turn to malicious gossip, just walk away.
Who said it's a bad day? You're about to have a good day. Co-workers should be cooperative, communications flow smoothly. You might even get your little one to try some Brussels sprouts -- well, maybe don't push it.
Some days it's best to just sit back and watch the show. Today, you will find you're happier viewing the family or office drama from the sidelines. Except when it comes to your kiddo, then it's definitely hands-on, full participation.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
You've been so focused on your little tyke, you've been ignoring other important parts of your life. But today would be an excellent day to front-burner that personal plan or project that's so dear to your heart.
Got a grudge? That's no way to start the day! It's time to let go of old bones of contention and patch things up with a co-worker or other mom. Once you do you'll feel much better about many things.
Can you keep a secret? When it comes to that big party or other treat you have lined up for your kiddo, you sure can. You know just how to keep all your preparations on the down low so they will be a complete surprise.
Let's face it: You can love your baby to pieces and still admit there are times when they drive you crazy. Today, you'd be wise to come up with some sane and structured activities for them, rather than just winging it as usual.
Your little tyke may be missing a cousin or sibling or friend at a distance. But they are really only a phone call or email or text message away. It will be fun helping them reach out to folks so far away today.
Wherever you go, you're sure to run into someone who has a different agenda. Today, though, it doesn't bother you a bit, as you can easily talk things out and resolve all differences. Even with your tyke!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This would be a good day to encourage altruism. Watch as your tyke brings smiles to the faces of those around them with their kind acts and take pride in the fact they are mimicking you.
Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!
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