Your Daily HomeScope for September 25, 2022
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Take in several films at a foreign film festival for interior design inspiration. You'll see color combinations in the way a red and purple skirt swishes in front of a sparkling turquoise sea or how your kitchen would look if modeled after exotic spices and fruit.
Your friends will be charmed by the way you decorate from your garden and seem to carry inspiration from your cooking to your centerpieces. Daffodils and a bowl of lemons bring sunshine to your dining room table while jars of last summer's canned tomatoes, beans, and jams bring color to your exposed cabinets.
It's your choice whether you show resistance toward the annual barbecue at your house this year or embrace it because it's easier not to rock the boat. Offering your curry veggie chili is probably a better option than sulking in your room about all the cleanup there will be. A positive outlook helps to create a positive outcome.
Spend the whole afternoon planting flowering bulbs such as lilies and gladiolas just because you love them so much. You sometimes have a hard time doing something impractical for yourself, but try to think or your gorgeous, juicy bouquets as the most practical things in the world.
Your housemates are at odds about a number of things: whether the borders of the garden should be reserved for flowers or vegetables and whether doing laundry twice a week equals doing dishes most nights. You may find yourself bothered by their pettiness, but getting involved may exacerbate the problem. Simply let them have at it.
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You're anxious to have a party to show off your new grill, and to showcase the sauces and dressings you've been working on . Don't rush ahead so much that you don't consider the weather or the comfort of your guests -- make sure you include a cover for your grill and an indoor option as part of the master plan.
Go ahead and tell your housemate that you welcome a break from her Crockpot experiments. When you lightheartedly suggest a turn of salad recipes or giving the food processor a run for its money, she'll be responsive if you have a sense of humor.
Be careful taking design risks today or you may spend the next week peeling off wallpaper that your impulsive nature encouraged you to cover everything with. Don't skip the small swatch step in whatever project you're urged to embark upon.
You're feeling great today and a warm slice of your homemade rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream can make others in your household feel fantastic, too. The charming pink lures you to research the history of this unusual fruit and other recipes where you can capitalize on this treat.
Embrace your inner idealist today and shoot for the stars. You need to be able to conceptualize how your perfect garden would look and how the most amazing meal you've ever prepared will taste when served to your guests. After daydreaming, bring in your pragmatic side to knock down things a notch or two.
Open the windows a bit to let the fresh air blow through your curtains and into your kitchen. Highlight the best seasonal produce at dinner. Your guests will be infused with the tastes and smells of this time of year.
As you're cleaning out the fridge (long overdue), you find all kinds of rotting landmines. You'd rather throw everything away, but you know you should do the right thing. Recycle and compost what you can.
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