Your Daily HomeScope for November 10, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


The work of your hand will take center stage today. Custom painting a tray coffee table was not what you envisioned yourself doing when you began art classes, but you are willing to follow where your muse has led.


Let go of your anger and emotional baggage. Gathered around the dinner table this evening, you and a person you knew but did not necessarily like will engage in deep, enlightening conversations. Listening brings understanding.


The asparagus you planted a long time ago is ready for cultivation. You need the right tool to harvest the delectable spears so that you do not harm the plant. Serve them steamed with a little lemon butter or baked with a bit of balsamic vinegar.


The best thing about the Southwest climate you chose to move to is that Brussel sprouts simply won't grow. Even better, you can grow without the constant nagging of your family. Today, you will make a new friend.


Live in the moment. When a field of sunflowers captures your awed attention, stop the car and go look. Ask the owner if you can take some pictures of your children peering out from among the yellow blossoms that follow the sun.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


The handsome man teaching the hardware store's workshop on faucet installation can talk about more than repairing leaks. You can sign up for the class on painting textures or go for the romance and ask him out.


The time is ripe for the idea that has been consuming your daydreams. Pick crops as they mature and you will encourage the plant to continue producing. Don't forget to always pick your crops according to the season.


Technology is not beyond you; it just takes some extra effort. Spend your lunch hour productively on a project of your own: read the owner's manual for once. Taking pictures and sending them are easier than you thought.


Have different sets of decorations for your house according to the season, if you haven't done so already. Try zesty shades of green and white for your decor -- a few yellow flowers will add freshness to the room as well.


You feel most confident when you are the giver. It is one of the reasons your home is always filled with crafts in various stages of completion. Snip a few fresh herbs from your garden, then place them in a pretty glass jar, tinted or clear. Now cover with apple cider vinegar.


Adapting to the needs of others is not one of your best skills today. Dwarf figs don't exist, but you can prune their growth in a container to keep them relatively small. The lesson? Remain true but not stodgy as you create and recreate your personal boundaries.


Keep your waste at a minimum. A pantry, where you can see what you have at a glance, helps you save money on groceries because you will be less prone to buying what you do not need. Plus, you'll be more likely to use what you have before it expires.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!