Your Daily HomeScope for May 31, 2024
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
You may find yourself pausing at the meat market in the grocery today. Be it a giant salmon steak or a rack of ribs, there's a barbecue in your forecast. To take your mind off of the early sunset, light some lanterns and barbecue by candlelight.
The list of people you need to call back is feeling a bit burdensome. Make your calls more fun by getting an old-fashioned phone table for the hallway. You can feel like a teenager all over again while you doodle on a notepad and chat.
You'll need to call on your investigative skills on Wednesday to find out if the new gardener, babysitter or perhaps house cleaner really is a trustworthy person. Keep your manners, but feel free to ask lots of questions.
Tonight night will be a rare treat as everyone will be home at the same time for dinner. Cook up some good old comfort food -- pork chops and mashed potatoes? -- and eat at the dining room table for once.
The conflict for today is that you love your friends, but you also love to stay at home, get in your pajamas and watch a movie. A few well-timed phone calls and emails will win you big points, and you won't have to leave the house.
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At some point, it may strike you that the house is a little too closed up. Throw open the windows, despite the debris that will fly onto the floor. Hang your clothes out to dry even though you have a dryer. Let in the fresh air.
You've been meaning to talk to your housemate, but you've been like two ships passing in the night. Whether you're irritated or just want to say hello, take a moment to write a letter. The important thing is to connect.
Your own food won't appeal to you today, but your housemate's leftovers from dining out will look fabulous. Resist the temptation to lift the foil and steal bites -- if you're not careful, it could all be gone by midnight!
This evening will include a lot of back and forth on the phone. First you're going out to dinner, and then you're staying in. Don't let an indecisive friend ruin your evening. Make a plan for yourself and stick to it.
Loved ones will try to give you advice today, but feel free to do things your own way. Your housemate may know more about rolling out a piecrust than you do, but your own signature, crumbling lattice has all the charm.
Today you'll be drawn not only to delicious foods, but also to those that crackle, sizzle and crunch. Become intoxicated by the hiss of cooking bacon, and chomp into a perfectly ripe apple, letting the textures work their magic.
No one really wants to say it, but you might be getting just a little obsessive about the living room set-up. Stop futzing with the furniture and rearranging the pictures on the mantel. Relax within the space you have created.
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