Your Daily HomeScope for May 19, 2024
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
If you're feeling overwhelmed with projects this week, look to your community for help. There may be a small army of kids in your neighborhood who would like to do some work on the weekends. For a good price, you can avoid weeding the hillside!
With the skies looking a little gloomy, you could probably use a little enlightenment. As you watch your favorite documentary on public television, find a small, antique lamp to perch on the end table and cozy up in a crocheted blanket.
The recipe says to roast the eggplant on a burner over an open flame, but the instructions stop there. You're officially outside of your comfort zone, unsure what a 'cooked' eggplant even looks like. Experiment a bit, and know that the Internet is not far away.
There's no real need to leave the house today -- though you think you need to shop, everything you need is already in your fridge! Experiment with leftovers, seeing if mashed potatoes mixed with an egg and spinach can't fry up into a lovely potato pancake.
Your new health routine is going swimmingly, even though eating only raw veggies seems odd at this time of year. Don't expect others to adhere to your new system. This is your personal decision -- the rest of the house is on their own for dinner!
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Your hard work in the kitchen will pay off as you watch people line up at the bake sale. With each cookie that you sell, take pride in knowing that your efforts could so lovingly support a cause that you believe in.
A heaviness seems to be hanging about the house these days. Perhaps it's the presence of coats and rain boots cluttering up the entryway? Find a better means of storing these necessities and watch the cloud lift out of sight and out of mind.
Find a way to work as a team with your housemate today. If you're hanging a picture, make sure to hold it steady as he stands back to check for height. Some tasks -- even the simple ones -- take two to get them done right.
A conservative streak will inspire you to recycle goods that already exist in your house. Dig up the old curtains from the linen closet and sew them into pillowcases. There will surely be a creative transformation in your home today.
There is no better way to say thank you than with food prepared by loving hands. Take your time selecting the produce and create a menu that shows you know your guests' tastes. The smallest touches can make the biggest impressions.
The alchemy of making a cream sauce is a mystery that, at times, even the wisest of chefs can't understand. Sometimes the sauce won't thicken, and sometimes it separates. Keep on stirring, watch the heat, and invoke the wisdom of the ages.
The household has really let the garden go. Not that there isn't plenty to do! Find a leader within your house (maybe it's you!) to make a garden game plan. Others will follow if they know the direction.
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