Your Daily HomeScope for January 18, 2023
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Using a shiny new knife on a pile of produce can be intoxicating. You won't realize how dull your old knives were until you make the first cut. It will slice through everything like butter. You'll be sad when you realize you've cut up all of the ingredients for the veggie platter. Now, try out your new plastic knife on the lettuce for chopped salad. The plastic won't turn the lettuce edges brown.
You tried to scrub the stain out of the couch with such vigor that you may have bleached the color right off of the upholstery. Don't let anger get in the way of your best intentions today -- you'll likely create a bigger mess than you would have if you'd handled the situation calmly. Fortunately you can flip the cushion, but a couch hunt may be in your future.
Be as clear as you possibly can today. Not only should you slow down your speech and explain what you need in several different ways, but directions should never be spoken with food in your mouth. Write up and save on your computer directions to your home, so when new friends need to find you, they won't have to resort to a map program that needs updating.
You aren't sure how you know, but a visitor will be arriving on your doorstep this week. Stock up the pantry, and make sure that the linens are clean. Your intuition doesn't kick in like this all that often, so you might as well listen up. Small night lights in the hallway, bed and bathrooms will make your guest feel welcome.
One can never have too many hot pads at key places throughout the kitchen -- you never know when you'll need to pick up a pot or an extra hand to transfer a cookie sheet. Better to have a little clutter than burnt hands later. A grill mitt with the thumb and first finger separated is perfect for the keeper of the flames.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
When you help a friend cook for a dinner party today, you may be infuriated by how many ingredients are missing. Just as you grab your keys to head to the store, she'll stop you and suggest that instead you improvise. Get on board with her mindset and you'll surely have a better time. Better yet, let her cook while you set and decorate the tables and unfold and dust the extra chairs.
Sunflowers steal the show in your garden, towering like big obnoxious superstars. Take advantage of their beauty and plant some this year so you can use them as backdrops for family photos.
Whatever your creative efforts are this week, do it in honor of your sweetheart. If she likes oatmeal cookies with dried cranberries and coconut chewy take them out of the oven and off the pan before they crisp. Nothing you produce should be solely about you -- instead, focus your efforts on the person you adore. They are, after all, more often than not your biggest supporter and biggest fan.
When your keys go missing, check on top of the fridge. And when you can't find your glasses, you clearly need to look in the vegetable bin. Objects will elude you this week, finding their way into either the most obvious or the most mysterious places. Lost stuff is opportunity to reward your children for seeking and finding your treasure. Take them out to buy music.
A stray kitten on the street will pull at your heartstrings today, making you wonder if you have a little extra room in your life to care for such a thing. As long as no one in your house is allergic, chances are you do have the room to help! If you don't have the time to teach it to use the commode downstairs your investment in a self cleaning cat box will reward you with little odor.
It was quick as a flash, but something small caught your eye and inspired you to think about something big. As you look at a child's dollhouse, you'll know exactly where the new couch should be positioned to catch the light you love for reading. The inspiration for your next project will come from watching the children play near the pool.
With a long week behind you and an even longer week yet to come, take this moment to truly relax and rejuvenate. Sleep until noon then slip into your softest, most comfortable pj's while you order in brunch, then dinner. Carry a basket to your bedside with bottled water, a peach, the bridal magazine you bought a week ago and notepad to jot veil notes upon.
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