Your Daily HomeScope for August 31, 2022
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
With a pile of papers to push around at work, you haven't had much time to push around the pile of potatoes that would normally go into a home-cooked meal. Don't despair -- there's an end in sight. Soon enough you will be back in your kitchen at a reasonable dinner-making hour.
You've known how to crochet for years without ever reading a pattern. And you certainly know how to make a garden grow, but do you have any idea why it happens the way it happens? Take the time to read a bit further -- develop a deeper understanding of something you already love.
No one in your house can call themselves an authority when it comes to any one domain, but certain people would like to think they would. Whether you have a keeper of the kitchen or a watcher of the garden on your hands, try to knock them out of power with some charming negotiations.
All of the little things that have not been right for a while may became glaringly apparent today. A knob missing from a dresser, or an especially squeaky stair, will howl at you from across the room. It may seem overwhelming, but this kind of awareness will get the job done.
Even though nobody is around, it doesn't mean that you can eat cheesecake out of the box with your hands. Have a little self-respect today. It's good to be comfortable with yourself, but remembering your poise and manners, even when you are alone, will be a test of your true virtues.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
Work doesn't always have to be just work. You spend 40 hours together each week -- why can't a few of those hours be spent doing something crafty? Take your artistic passions out of your house today, and teach a friend to crochet or shop for beads on your lunch hour with a buddy.
You have officially hit a point of contention with your wardrobe -- if you have to put on your galoshes one more time, or even look at that woolen argyle sweater, you're going to lose it. At this point, either hit the end of season sales for new duds or defy the temperature, and bust out the new clothes a wee bit early.
Before your socks go into the laundry basket, you put the matches back together. You fold them right away and put them in their drawers, and even so, you tend to lose a sock every time. Maybe if you stopped thinking so much about keeping the pairs together, they would stay put on their own?
There's no need to call the police if your neighbors are making too much noise. You can so easily walk over to your neighbor's house, knock on the door, and calmly ask them to turn down the music. Your direct manner and no-nonsense kindness will give you excellent results today.
What would you like to accomplish? What would you like to do next season? How would you like your house to look by this time next year? Home alterations take no more than time and commitment, something of which you have both as long as you plan.
Without a lot of cash available to you, necessity becomes the mother of invention. Your hunger for crafts; creating things around the house will lend itself to recycling -- old curtains become pillowcases, a box that held oranges gets painted and becomes a plant stand. Blend your circumstances with your creativity.
No matter what you're cooking today, it may need a bit more sugar -- or maybe more salt. Flavors will seem dull to you today, and you'll need punch to spice anything up. Tomorrow your normal taste buds will return, but for now, go bold with your culinary decisions.
Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.