Your Daily HomeScope for August 25, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Your routine is not making you happy because it is just that, routine. Skip the dance workout at the gym and actually go out dancing. Boring should never be a word you allow into your vocabulary lest it worms its way into your lifestyle.
You might barely have enough energy to snuggle with your honey at the end of this busy day. Building the covered, thickly padded lounge bed for two to sway in your garden between the ferns and palms was more than a one-day project.
Caring is your middle name. As the primary caregiver for your parents, you must make time to get away at least once a week for a few hours and once a month for a weekend. If you do not have a friend or relative who can step in, check out local volunteer resources.
You will not let contradiction weigh you down today. Red wine is a stimulant, dehydrating yet loaded with heart-healthy antioxidants. Limit yourself to one glass as you stop, sit and relax.
So what if your monthly brunch with the girls comes on a gloomy day? Move the guests into the gazebo for mimosas, homemade frittata of shrimp and artichoke hearts and watch the flowers of your garden drink in the showers.
Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.
Your homemade scones are to die for but it is time to add a new twist to your time-honored recipe -- orange butter. Blend three ounces butter with eight ounces cream cheese, two-third cup confectioners' sugar, two tablespoons grated orange rind and a couple tablespoons of orange juice. Refrigerate for later use.
A pound of prevention is the requirement today. Your gas piping should periodically be inspected for corrosion that could lead to leaks. And if you are planning to dig a new garden today, make sure you know where your house's underground gas lines are first.
You know how to add fun, literally, to the rhetorical tossed salad of life. Salads needn't be dull and boring if you keep dried raisins and cranberries or fresh, seasonal fruits to add to your greens. A handful of almonds helps keep the sugars in your body balanced and adds crunch.
Ah! the romance of food. Eating too many samples of rich, caloric wedding cake equates to the prospect of marital bliss. Celebrate your impending union with a great dinner tonight.
Beloved pets are part of your family. An investment in a good grooming comb and time spent making your Golden Retriever's coat shine will not only keep his fur off your furniture but make him feel better because he looks better.
Shiny metals clash with natural decor. There may be nothing you can do about this in your employer's workspace, but you have total control in your home office. Make it a pleasant place to take care of the business of your life.
You'll make new connections when you go somewhere you thought you did not want to go today. It could be a person or it could have something to do with your home. Program names and numbers immediately into your phone -- exchange business cards too.
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