Your Daily HomeScope for August 18, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
Buying peripherals for your home office may be in the cards today. If you are planning to shoot video footage with sound, and trying out the equipment is an option, do it. As with most items for sale, the highest price does not always mean the best quality.
Tired of always being the one to figure out the check or eating the least and paying the most when the check is split? The waiter or waitress will still give you good service if you assert yourself today by asking for and receiving a separate check.
Copying is a high form of flattery today. Take a design that is used on a small objet d' art in your home and embellish a piece of furniture with the same motif painted larger.
This is a good night to experiment with new recipes you want to make for a party later in the month. Invite a friend over for help and girl talk. The time will fly by.
Your best work is inner work today. Got a problem? Can't decide what you want to do to the bedroom but know you want to do something? Get our your journal or your sketch pad and the solution will flow from your brain into your fingers and onto the page. Easy.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
The entry point of your home needs attention from without and within. Open your eyes and look at it from both sides. How do you want to view the caller that comes to your front door? Remote cameras, peephole viewers and side-panel windows are all options you can consider.
The fruits of your labor today are not fruits but they are still tasty. There is nothing like the flavor of fresh-caught pan-fried rainbow trout, especially if you don't have to gut it. Serve it with early corn on the cob and spiced butter.
Feeding your family from your own garden has pleased you all summer, but there are goods, such as plastic wrap, paper towels and shampoo, you cannot grow. If you are not a brand snob, you will save a pile of money by clipping and using coupons.
The garden club members will all tell you that a compost pile will increase the health of your soil and the yield of your garden. It is not too late to start composting. Clear an area of your yard for this endeavor today.
Enrich your soil as you enrich your mind when school is in session. Soil rich with compost and mulch holds water better and helps you conserve, even as your plants grow tall and green.
Looking back will make the present merry. What were the early years of your romantic life like with your partner? Instead of digging up an old picture and making a page for the scrapbook, frame it for your bedroom wall.
You will see the world through a child's eye today if you take the time off from always being so impeccably adult. As you create a scrapbook for your children, scrap the story of their favorite youthful activities.
Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!
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