Your Daily HomeScope for August 15, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
A bit of caution goes a long way. Use a toothpick to poke a hole in the aluminum lid of your yogurt and that annoying little bit of yogurt will not splash on your clothing or anywhere else when you pull the top back.
An arrangement of flower brings color, delicate scents and a soft touch to any room. Carnations represent the bonds of affection. While you're at it, find other flora and fauna that symbolize the values you cherish.
Your taste buds deserve a break from the routine today. Try that new recipe out on yourself before you spring it on friends at a potluck later in the month.
The language of posies speaks volumes to your spirit. Floral arrangements enhance the beauty of your home room by room. There is no reason not to put a small vase in the bathroom or flowers in a wall sconce in the laundry room.
It may be tough to be an apartment farmer and catch rain from a spout on the roof of your building, unless you live on the ground floor. Gardening is about doing what you can with what you already have and watching those greens grow tall.
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The day is not about how much you have but how much you can save while fulfilling your needs. The health of your budget would improve if you only used credit cards for big-ticket items then did not use them again until you paid the item off fully.
That old-fashioned ice cream maker was more than just a home decor discovery. As you and your partner take turns churning the cream and peaches into ice cream, you get to talk. It was not a boost of electricity your romance needed, it was the pleasure of completing a task together.
Seek second opinions when it comes to your health. You know your body better than anyone -- you live in it everyday!
You can hardly wait to get outdoors on this beautiful day, but you want to stay on track with keeping your home neat and clean. Delegate chores that require getting on your hands and knees to your children or grandchildren. Reward yourself and your helpers with an afternoon in the park and money to get a double-decker ice cream cone.
Let the sun shine into your home and heart today. Windows and window treatments should be sparkling clean when potential buyers arrive to inspect your home.
Pay no attention to a coworker's idle gossip. While you may be the office trickster, putting goldfish in the water cooler was not your doing. However, if the fish winds up in a bowl on your desk by the end of the day, you will only be able to blame your reputation.
High traffic areas, like kitchens and entry halls, fare better with laminate flooring than carpet. It would pay to consider this as you sit down with your partner to discuss remodeling options today.
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