Your Daily HomeScope for August 05, 2021
If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!
The extra minutes on the front end of your schedule pay dividends. Traveling can be a hassle and the necessity of checking the air pressure in the tires of your rental car before you leave the parking lot should not fall on you -- doing it could make the difference between arriving early and feeling fresh for the meeting or arriving late and disheveled.
Pay yourself first when you get your check today. Setting aside a percentage each payday to take care of you -- whether it is a spa treatment, going to dinner and a movie, or buying the craft supplies you enjoy working with -- is beneficial to your psyche.
By Victorian tradition, garden herbs stood for personality traits. Sage was for domestic virtue, rosemary for fidelity, thyme for courage and lavender for devotion. Go ahead and mix a little magic into your salad dressing tonight by adding herbs to the balsamic vinegar and cold-pressed virgin olive oil.
It is important that you laugh with your family today. Get on the phone -- your sister needs a joke to cheer her up. Or ask your grandfather what the funniest thing that ever happened to him as a boy was, or play hide and seek in the garden with your young children. Besides, a good dose of sun-inspired vitamin D will do you good.
Spontaneity suits you. So pack a set of your clothes in his luggage and vice versa. That way, even if your luggage goes missing, you can still enjoy the first few but stressful days of your quick getaway.
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You are going to shop until you drop anyway so you may as well make it pay you back. Create your own rewards by enrolling in the bonus programs retail stores offer their loyal customers.
Consider what rooms of your previous homes were your favorites and why when you look to decorating the home you live in now. Houses (or apartments or condos) become personal over time. Pick one thing you can do today to make yours special.
This is a good day for physical activity. Not the gym kind of activity, but the home kind of activity. When you churn mulch or compost into your soil you increase its productivity.
Be ecologically minded today. Rice represents fertility and is a traditional item to toss on the bride and groom as they head to the getaway car. Birdseed has also come to represent fertility and it doesn't swell in birds' stomachs. Now all you have to decide is whether to wrap the seed in white or colored tulle.
Counting your dollars has been much on your mind of late. Making the switch to direct deposit so you save monthly bank fees on your checking account appeals to your sense of thriftiness, and once in a while, it can mean getting your paycheck 24 hours earlier.
Remind your loved ones they are important today. Showing your family makes your house a home -- placing pictures of them in at least three areas of the house is a seller's trick, but you can use it simply as a decorating technique.
The benefit of doing housework when there is no one around is being able to turn up the volume on music that empowers you. That way, the job gets done quicker. Practice your dance moves and if a housemate arrives early, entice that person to dance with you.
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