Your Daily FoodScope for November 10, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Diligence and perseverance will pay off today as you see your earning potential rise dramatically. But keep everything in perspective for now and don't spend money you don't yet have. Stay content with your liverwurst on white bread for now. Your days of steak and lobsters are just within reach.
It seems like you need a decadent release now. It doesn't have to be Fellini-esque in magnitude; just something a little wild and crazy. So go ahead and have a giant triangle of German chocolate cake or New York cheesecake with warm strawberry sauce. It'll all be about decadence today; your own personal dolce vida!
It'll take deep focus and a serious attitude to get you through an intense day. But your professional demeanor will reap dividends as everything gets done on time and under budget. But loosen the corporate tie and kick back after work. Surrounding yourself with friends, beers and a mountain of grilled barbecued beef ribs will the perfect ending to a perfect day.
You may be lucky enough to be able to go home for lunch. Living close to work has its perks, like saving money by lunching at home. But sharing lunch pizzas with coworkers today will be a great way to catch up on the latest office gossip. With the money you've saved, you can even pick up the check.
What you call confidence others consider arrogance. While it's good to be yourself, showy displays of your incredible excellence sometimes go too far. For you, it's not enough to share your homemade New England clam chowder, you have to set up the office kitchen and invite coworkers to watch as you make it, without sharing any of your secrets, of course.
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Soul searching may reveal why your yin and yang approach to weight loss never seems to work. Grilled chicken breasts smothered in mushroom cream sauce, egg white omelet stuffed with Swiss cheese, turkey on wheat with fries. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Realize that you can't have it all, and start losing what you don't need.
A slow yet steady growth in wages has also raised your taste for some of the finer things. The extra income allows you to indulge in culinary delights like soft-boiled quail eggs, escargot and lobster thermador. Not that there's anything wrong with it. If you can afford it, go for it!
You'll need to learn how to cope with abrasive people today. Letting them bother you gives them the psychological upper hand. So pump yourself up this morning with scrambled egg whites, turkey sausage and unbuttered wheat toast. Sting like a butterfly from the outset and they'll wish they had never bothered you.
Today will as mundane as some days can be. The day will be like eating cotton candy; there's so sustenance and you'll have forgotten it in an hour. Things will improve considerably after work when good friends, a few beers and a million Buffalo wings and little crab cakes will give new meaning to the term Happy Hour.
These days belt-tightening is a much needed but ultimately tiresome part of life. Everyone needs to splurge every now and then. But splash out smart and you can get more bang for your buck. A smorgasbord may not be gourmet, but you eat a lot of good food for very little cash and even bring some of those Swedish meatballs home for later.
You have a unique way of injecting a bit of innovation into the most innocuous of a situation. In your hands, a simple salad becomes an explosion of organic greens, edible weeds, tofu and sunflower seeds. Wait until you get to the main course!
Deep words of affection lose something in translation when sent via text message. So text your honey an invitation to a romantic dinner instead. There won't be anything cyber here; your choice of ambiance and music, as well as a perfectly prepared rack of lamb, will prove you to be the real deal.
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