Your Daily FoodScope for July 23, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Enjoy the fruits of your labors today. Knock off early so you can get to the Italian restaurant early. This way you can take your good, sweet time enjoy a variety of dishes. Antipasto, capicola and potato gnocchi with pesto sauce will be just the start.
You'll be able to relate to the stressed, tired look in the eyes of your coworkers today. So organize a group Happy Hour outing. Bonding after work will give everyone a chance to blow off some steam, but be sure to eat plenty of nachos and jalapeno puffs. You'll need something in your belly to soak up all that beer.
Concentrating will be difficult today -- you'd rather focus on fun stuff. But concentrate you must, as the day is far from over. So switch to the perfect mental channel with the help of a cup of Ceylon tea. The crisp, floral aroma and taste will help you cut through the clutter and focus on the tasks at hand.
Reject all offers to socialize tonight -- home will be the best place for you. You won't be at anyone's beck and call, and you can do whatever you want. So put on your comfy clothes and have some comfy food. Beef Stroganoff will be warm, delicious and as comforting as a plush pair of slippers.
You'll crave attention today, and showing off will not be beneath you. But wearing your coolest fashions and driving a souped-up car may seem old hat to those who've seen it all before. So get wild and crazy today. Eating two or three habanero chili peppers will get you the attention you seek, as well as some unwelcome derisive laughter.
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Do your research today, because there will be a lot of phonies out there trying to convince you they can deliver the real deal. You may be surprised at the half truths and downright lies you uncover. You may discover that the 'Dungeness' crab cakes at the seafood restaurant are actually imitation, and just as expensive.
People will challenge you to eat strange and unusual foods today, but you'll have none of it. Even sushi may be too tricky for you -- burgers made with ground bison will be as kooky as you'll want to get today.
Bring peace to feuding coworkers -- hammer out a treaty that will be satisfactory to all sides. Test the strength of this fragile bond at Happy Hour. You'll know if it has worked when no one quibbles about anchovies on the pizza or extra jalapenos on the nachos.
With stressful days behind you, it won't be hard tackling one more. Today will be easier as you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel. And when you finally break on through to the other side, you may find yourself with friends at a boisterous Tex-Mex restaurant, eating chili and pulled-pork sandwiches and having a good old time!
It'll be okay to indulge in a little fun today, with the operative word being 'little.' You'll still have work to tackle, but a slightly longer lunch is fine. Just keep your eye on the clock as you eat a fried seafood combo at the sports pub. You could end up watching a soccer game long after you've finished your last fried scallop.
Boredom won't be a factor today -- you'll have more than enough to keep you busy. A quiet dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant could turn riotous when putting too much hot sauce into your chicken pho causes a party to break out in your mouth.
Don't let negative people or situations keep your inner beauty from shining today. It'll be hard to smile in the face of negativity, so do something soothing for yourself. A slice of spinach quiche and a cup of chamomile tea will keep you glowing and positive.
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