Your Daily FoodScope for January 30, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
With all the feasting yesterday, you might have completely forgotten to detail out what you were thankful for. Start close to home: Grandma's penne arrabiata, Dad's slow-roasted pot roast, Uncle Fred's classic Manhattans and your brother's gourmet Top Ramen feast. That last one got you through many a two-dollar meal days, after all!
Rather than kicking yourself in the pants for wallowing in a post-Thanksgiving food coma, continue the trend. Let's face it: you're normal a squeaky-clean eater, so a few days of misbehavior might be in order. Step away from the turkey, though. Pizza's the devil on your shoulder, today!
Not sure what to do with all that popcorn you popped (but just skipped hanging like always)? Treat time! Simmer up a little butter, sugar (brown and white!) and heavy cream in a heavy sauce pan, then toss in the kernels. Shake in a little salt for an interesting kick to the traditional caramel corn. Let's face it: you're anything but traditional!
It's time to get up off that couch from your extended turkey-induced nap and do something good for yourself. Yes, you can have your morning cruller or bear claw, but go for that 30 minute jog you always brag you do (but never actually finish). Temper your holiday excess with a little exercise mea culpa.
The commercialism of holiday shopping has already made you too sick to finish your quad-shot venti latte (extra hot), but you know the family expects gifts. What to do? Why not whip up your famous fudge or brandied cherries in beautiful packaging for a lovely, homemade gift? The thought really does count, and your lovingly crafted cooking goods will ease your cash-strapped wallet too.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.
Use the day wisely, so that you're not left scrambling tomorrow. You're never happier than when there's a plan. For instance: grocery shopping. Hit up your local Farmer's Market for a root vegetable medley that you can prepare tomorrow and pack as a side dish throughout the week.
Done to excess, anything in life can be bad for you. And excess sums up the past couple of days for you. Restore the balance you always crave in life by tracking what you're eating, and how you feel before AND after you eat it. Track your trends and trim the offenders from your daily diet.
The holidays have made you forget what 'normal' is when it comes to mealtime. Refresh your idea of potion size today. Make a fist right now. Nothing you eat should be bigger than that. Now, balance your plate with a protein, vegetable, starch and fruit that size and you're on your way to balance!
It's time to ratchet up your activity level and break out of that food coma you've been in since Thanksgiving. Fight fatigue with a handful of fresh berries (natural sugars give you a kick) or nuts, and a jolt of fresh green tea. Skip the oatmeal loaded up with brown sugar this morning, whatever you do!
You're feeling the burn from all that gym time lately, and it's starting to gather attention of the opposite sex. Feed your attractiveness quotient by munching juicy fruit and eschewing messy, hand-foods like burgers, nachos and fries. All eyes are on you ... and your mouth!
With a clean fridge and a sink full of filthy dishes from your latest fete, you may be tempted to just throw in the towel today. And you know what? That's ok! Go ahead and put the dishes in to soak -- the delivery driver from your favorite Indian restaurant is ringing!
The enlightenment that yesterday promised in the form of left-overs is back for seconds. Do yourself a huge favor: push away from the last piece of pecan pie. Brown sugar may be sweet, but it's doing little but distract you on your push for Nirvana.
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