Your Daily FoodScope for January 07, 2024
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Don't suppress yourself today; if you want it, then go for it. Wanna tell off a pesky coworker? Do it! Feel like standing in the 15 items or less line with 16 items? Right on! Got an urge to use a half-gallon tub of Cherry Garcia ice cream as a feedbag? Whoa -- hold on now! That's going to make your hips look ginormous in the morning.
You'll strip your true feelings bare today. A sad song could have you bursting into tears, while seeing an old friend could send you into fits of elation. Being emotive is nice, but the teary-eyed proposals of love you'll profess to Flo the Waitress when she brings your meatloaf and mashers Blue Plate special will be a bit much.
In tight financial times you need to know what you're buying before you buy it. A long anticipated visit to a famous seafood restaurant may be marred when you detect faux crab in the seafood chowder. It's your choice whether to demand your money back and storm off, or just enjoy what you've got. The rest has to be real, right?
You'll snap your claws all day long and give people that sideways look of suspicion. It could be best to stay away, because the smallest tic will get on your nerves. But join true friends for lunch. A cup of crab bisque along with a few plate-sized Dungeness crab cakes will never let you down.
In a few short hours you'll be out from underneath the thumb of the man. But until then you'll have to while away the hours, looking busy. The right people will be impressed when they see you eating your tuna hoagie at your desk, eyes intent on the computer screen. Who's that go-getter, they'll think, shortly before promoting you to CEO.
Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.
Your attempts to organize a synchronized lunch group will crash and burn again, so it looks as if you'll be eating lunch alone. People may have been turned off at your suggestion of abalone, but when it's pan fried in butter over high heat and served over pasta with steamed veggies -- now, that's good eatin'!
Don't worry if things are progressing slowly in your diet or fitness routines. You may have merely hit plateaus, easily worked through with focus and dedication. So take this time to reassess your goals and reward yourself for your hard work so far. Go ahead. One chocolate cherry ice cream cone won't kill you.
For one day it might be cool to raze your walls and run wild and free. Sans inhibitions, your ego will satisfy itself with a giant plate of extra cheese sausage lasagna and lots of red wine! Your id will watch with disapproval from the sidelines, knowing full well it will have its revenge tomorrow.
Be flexible today and you could find yourself the belle of many balls. By being slightly undiscriminating, you open yourself to many adventures. So you could do oyster shooters at the seafood bar one hour, Buffalo wings at the sports pub the next. Or you could do really something different, like making tofu burgers and oven-baked sweet potato fries at home.
The mindless minutia of your job may have you wondering your purpose today. That's something better left to deep thought, something you may not have the energy for today. So put your mind to less cerebral pursuits, such as spelling your name with the little noodle letters in your alphabet soup.
It's now indeterminate who has the worse breath, you, or Fido over there. But skip the sugary mouthwashes for natural remedies. A cup of spearmint or peppermint tea cleanses the palette from bacteria, giving new meaning to the term 'minty fresh.' A few cups a day and someone other than Fido might want to give you a big, sloppy kiss.
Show a little creativity and you could turn the bland into grand. Use garlic aioli in shrimp or potato salad and you've got a whole new taste sensation. Put it in the employ of a tuna sandwich and you might be knighted for your efforts, or at least have a damn fine sandwich to eat as you watch 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail' for the umpteenth time.
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