Your Daily FoodScope for January 02, 2023
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Keep yourself open to regional culinary oddities today. Sometimes the way people eat meals is as unique as what they're eating. Ketchup on scrambled eggs? You're obviously not from Philly, where they smear it all over their scrapple as well!
Keep your money to yourself today. Needless spending will only further bruise your damaged bank account. High priced restaurants may be off the agenda so expect to trade in filet mignon for meatloaf, and tuna tartar for tuna sandwiches. You'll draw the line at mac and cheese, though.
Despite all of the kooky diet fads, only you can determine the outcome. It takes dedication, sacrifice and an intelligent choice of foods to lose those pesky pounds. Eat plenty of asparagus when dieting. It's packed with vitamins and fiber, and contains inulin that aids in healthy digestion.
Coming out of your shell may give people witness to how soft and pudgy you've become. So stay there today, and plan for your transformation. Replace the junk food with fruits, veggies and lean protein. Throw exercise into the mix and by summer, you'll be ready to strip off that shell with pride.
Don't let petty people get your goat today. They'll snipe at and criticize everything you do. So steer clear of that ilk, and hang with friends you trust. You'll be able to prepare them your fettuccine alfredo without the fear of having every little aspect ripped to shreds.
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The tension of the workweek may spill into the early parts of today. So do what you can to get that monkey off your back. Brunch with friends will be a great start. Crab Cakes Benedict, home fries, great conversation and a lot of coffee will melt that stress away.
Juggling many projects will make for a productive day. But don't take on so much that you don't find time to relax. Knock off at midday and go out and play. Don't worry about cooking dinner. A fiery Mexican restaurant beckons, and burritos and enchiladas will make for a spicy end to a hot day.
Get caught up in the moment of the day. It could be one of laughter, joy, and wonderful companionship. Invite friends for dinner to share the good times over food. You don't have to get complicated; grilled franks and beans for everyone! Somehow the simplicity of that will match the theme of the day.
Stoke the fires of inspiration today to cook up something awesome. Sometimes a new twist on old favorites is all it takes. Cook shrimp in butter with garlic, mix it with a creamy garlic sauce, pour over brown rice and bake in a casserole dish at 350 degrees for 45 minutes and voila! Dinner excellence!
In your own little solar system some of your friends may resemble the gassy giants. Offer them tips on how to make smart and healthy food choices. You'll have new converts to your fold, especially after they see results, and you'll never eat dinner at the vegetarian restaurant alone again.
You'll have a glimpse of heaven today. You may or may not hear the sounds of angels on high, but that won't really matter. Still, the pearly gates will open when you see that authentic Chicago-style deep dish pizza with the works laid before you. Goodbye cruel world!
Indulge in the things that make you feel relaxed and happy today. Cooking is near the top of that list, so go wild in the kitchen. When you emerge with an intense meal of prawns flash cooked in a chili garlic sauce you'll be the happiest kid in the world. Don't forget the crumbly bread.
Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.
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