Your Daily FoodScope for August 13, 2021
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
Getting some exercise at lunch could energize you for the rest of the day. So go for a jog, lift weights or just take a brisk walk. Then fill your body with good stuff like a grilled chicken sandwich on wheat roll, or an arugula salad with albacore tuna. It'll be so much fun you'll want to do it again tomorrow.
Power struggles with coworkers can be settled if everyone just talks it out. That's best done out of the office, so meet at a quiet Italian restaurant. After sharing meatball grinders and personal pan pizzas you may wonder how the problems got started in the first place. Until you reach for the last slice of garlic bread, however, and then the troubles could start anew.
Your work project ideas will finally be put into action, and everyone will be amazed at the results. The boss will show appreciation by taking you to lunch. But don't go crazy, even if it's on company's tab. A modest grilled prawn and garlic noodle lunch will show that you're not the showy type; just someone who gets the job done.
A hard-working person such as you deserves a little down time, so don't be afraid to take the afternoon off. Spending time shopping or getting a massage will be utterly relaxing, as will a nice spinach quiche and onion soup lunch at a French bistro. It'll be nice to just sit and watch the world go by.
Your culinary habits can often be as overblown as your personality, not that that's a bad thing. It's just that you prefer showy to boring, and you'd take a fiery, flambeed baked Alaskan crab over a bowl of vanilla ice cream any day.
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Your plans to stay organized today will quickly fall apart. Then you may flounder just to stay afloat. But it may not be until after work that you're able to finally regroup -- a fried flounder dinner with coleslaw may be a fitting metaphor for this frustrating day.
Bask in the energy of people today. Meeting friends for dinner at a raucous Tex-Mex restaurant will be the place to be, and there's nothing like good company, a few margarita and a lot of chili verde and flan to have you appreciating life's little pleasures.
The boss will be shooting arrows, so do your best to stay out of the line of fire. Doing outstanding work will be the best way to stay on the safe side, although it couldn't hurt to buy the head honcho lunch. But don't load that Thai chicken curry dish with too much hot sauce. The repercussions could make the rest of your day hellish.
Gambling with your money is dumb; gambling with your health is just plain stupid. But you may be doing just that every time you eat a sodium-laced prepackaged chicken pot pie or a sugary cinnamon roll. These things add up until it's too late, and then all of the salad in the world won't save you from needless health problems.
You love seeing all of the giant dinosaur skeletons at the natural history museum. But gazing at the fossilized remains of triceratops, brontosaurs and stegosaurus always gives you mighty cravings, and you'll hunger for a porterhouse steak so big and thick it looks like it came from a dinosaur.
You'll contradict yourself today. Despite the fact that you endlessly preach healthy eating habits to others, you often indulge in junk food a little too often. At some point, you'll see your reflection as you greedily eat a hot fudge sundae, and you'll realize the folly of your ways.
Keeping your mind from wandering will be a challenge today as you daydream about all the things you'd rather be doing instead of working. But snap out of it, because you're only making things worse. You can fantasize all you like about kicking back at a Hawaiian roasted pig luau, but it's just not gonna happen.
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