Your Daily FoodScope for April 11, 2022
Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!
You're known as one who thinks outside of the box, and that includes your culinary choices. You'll think nothing about preparing snapper turtle soup, broiled scrod and baked bananas at a dinner party. Of course, you may be the only one in attendance, which will leave that much more for you.
Trust will be a hard thing to come by today. The paranoia will grow and you'll eye everyone with a suspicious look. You'll also run to the lunchroom or kitchen every fifteen minutes and check the refrigerator to make sure no one has sampled the leftover crab casserole.
The good times will be few and far between today as work demands take their mental toll. But all of that will change once you get home tonight. Then it'll be time to pour yourself a glass of wine, pop a roasted chicken in the oven, mash some potatoes and enjoy. Ah, good times!
You'll be torn between splashing out and being conservative today. You'll wrestle with this duality for most of the day without taking any action. But you'll eventually do what you feel is right, and have ginger beef stir-fry for dinner rather than a chicken and cheese casserole.
A tight budget may put the kibosh on your dreams of traveling to Sweden, but there are alternatives. Seek out the nearest smorgasbord for the authentic Swedish experience at home. You may hardly be able to pronounce them, but dining on flaskkorv, isterband and kottbullar will be 'enormt!'
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Be careful of what you order for lunch if you're pressed for time today. It'll take forever to wrestle with the melted Swiss cheese topping a big bowl of French onion soup, and lunchtime could be over before it even begins.
Get the things you want by expressing yourself today. Letting your thoughts and feelings be known will guarantee that nothing gets lost in translation. So stress to the counter person that you don't want mayo or tomatoes on a roast beef sub, even if you have to repeat yourself.
A persuasive friend could keep you from straying off the straight and narrow today. This person will come to your rescue in the nick of time, and force you to put down the fast food burger and fries in favor of a much yummier shrimp and pasta salad. That, after all, is what friends are for.
Having full confidence in yourself will guarantee success should you decide to take on new ventures today. So roll up your sleeves, march into the kitchen and put together a ratatouille like a seasoned pro. You may be so pleased with yourself that you'll take a stab at banana cream pie just for the fun of it.
Keep plugging away at something and you're bound to get it right eventually. That'll be the case today when you finally put together an edible corned beef and cabbage dinner. You can file that away until next St. Patrick's Day.
Today will be a good one to mingle with people who share your values and passions. Being with like-minded friends will mean everyone will be agreeable, and you'll spend a fun evening enjoying a TV series marathon while munching on pizzas absolutely filthy with anchovies.
Work problems will mount as the day progresses and you'll soon be buried. It'll take the rest of the day to claw your way out, and by then you'll be exhausted. So treat yourself to an Italian dinner tonight. But go easy on the wine or you may find yourself asleep even before you get through the veal scaloppini.
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