Your Daily FoodScope for April 07, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Bust out the fondue maker that's been collecting dust in the attic. Any dark chocolate will do, but what you use as a dipper is limited only by your imagination. Strawberries are good, but brownies, ladyfingers, marshmallows or angel food cake are even better!


You love drinking tea for its obvious soothing effects, but the caffeine can make you jittery. So why not try a totally herbal tea made from real herbs? Simply throw sage leaves into a pot of boiling water for a wonderfully relaxing elixir sans all those stimulants. Even better, gargling with it will ward off colds or soothe a sore throat.


Keeping your body strong and healthy should be your top priority, as should eating foods high in antioxidants. Much has been said about the benefits of acai berries, and with good reason. It's has incredibly high concentrations of beneficial amino, essential fatty and oleic acids. The berries are good in yogurt and oatmeal, but it's easier found in tablet form.


Light a fire under that old fondue maker! You might think that nothing could be better than dipping fruit into melted chocolate, but you'd be wrong. Infuse the chocolate with cinnamon, espresso powder, Torini flavoring syrups or even a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream, and you can make something fantastic even more fantastical!


Judging a book by its cover will be a mistake today. The diminutive blueberry may look insignificant, but few foods pack such a powerful antioxidant punch. Among its many benefits, blueberries contain cancer-fighting ellagic acid, an antioxidant that has been proven to slow the growth of some cancerous tumors.

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Recent investigations by researchers have found that many international fruit-based sodas contain high levels of pesticides. While this is bad news for everybody, it has significant impact on kids who consume large amount of such drinks. So skip any kind of fruit-based soda, and go with real orange or grapefruit juices, iced tea or good ol' water for your liquid refreshments.


People will accuse you of being selfish today, like that's a bad thing. Sometimes it's important to put yourself first, so don't feel guilty about it. If you share your homemade cranberry-lemon scones with others, there won't be much left for you. And that's simply unacceptable.


Dietary fiber is essential to good health -- it decreases the risk of colon cancer and helps protect against diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Luckily, it's also easy to find, and is especially high in foods, such as bran cereal, kidney beans, apples and whole-wheat bread.


Using your imagination could be the key to getting today's projects completed in a speedy and efficient manner. You'll have to get even more creative when coworkers drag you to a vegetarian restaurant. You may need it to convince yourself that the mock tuna casserole tastes even remotely like the real thing.


Feeling astute and focused makes today a good one to craft important decisions. Get those out of the way early so you can make other, even more critical choices. You'll know you made the right one when you lunch on a healthy grilled chicken and black-bean-and-couscous salad rather than the fish and chips.


As the keeper of the clan it's up to you to make sure your family eats a varied, healthy diet. That responsibility may weigh heavily on you today, but you're up for the task. Tuna or grilled chicken pita wraps, Chinese chicken salad, or turkey burgers make terrific lunches for the kids. Toss in fruit or popcorn as a snack, and for once they might not trade their lunch for something else.


Swimming with the sharks may put you in the mood for seafood. Relax after work with something fishy. Salmon steak Alaska is delicious and easy to make. Just brush Tabasco sauce and lime juice on salmon steaks and broil for 15 minutes. Serve with a cucumber sauce and you're good to go!

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