Your Daily FinanceScope for November 06, 2022
The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!
When the end of the week rolls around these days, you're less than relieved. In fact, you're not feeling all that great about having two days off. Pack as much as you can into your waking hours.
Catalogues are appealing, especially for things around the home. Don't even turn to page one, Taurus. Even though there's no human being there, treat the shiny pages with the same caution you would a used car salesman.
Someone is moody and nasty if they don't get what they want. Don't let them intimidate you into coughing up the cash. Go ahead, let them call you cheap. You know they're the ones who are really being selfish.
You may have half the assets you once had, but you have more than double of so many other things that count. You just haven't stopped to take inventory of the things that really matter. Start today.
A weaker person than you would have given up by now. Your persistence alone should be a matter of pride. Keep on keeping on. If you need inspiration, think of your role model.
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The most important thing you can do for your future self is to get organized today. Make it your priority. Everything else can wait, from family gatherings to socializing with friends.
With so much to be down about, you need a pick-me-up. On the other hand, too much duality won't help matters, either. Settle for what brings you up into the middle ground, even if it's keeping your head down and toiling.
Having a lot of drive is one way to block out your emotions. Losing money shouldn't make you feel things like horror or despair. Go ahead, slow down long enough to find out just what lurks behind your closed doors.
If only you could follow your mood! Those days are long over. You have to make hay while the sun shines, just like the rest of the world. It goes without saying your energy level doesn't match the task before you.
People around you are over reacting. In fact, they're going ballistic. As long as they're not going postal, don't make it your concern. You have enough of your own financial issues to deal with.
Things have not been easy for you. Getting maximum comfort from your routine has served you well. It's time, though, to take it out for a farewell lunch. Give yourself permission to shake things up a bit.
You're experiencing fun, even romance. Are you dreaming? Not at all. You can enjoy life even in the midst of the wreckage, if you continue to allow yourself to.
What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.