Your Daily FinanceScope for January 25, 2023
The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!
Drought, air, wood -- uh-oh, you have everything you need for a raging fire. Be cautious who you're around and what you say. You're actually holding the matches but you won't recognize them until you light one.
Don't plan your retirement just yet. In fact, don't make any financial decisions whatsoever. Try to focus only on the present. Anything short of a Zen attitude will only cause you pain.
Don't count on getting lots of ideas generated. If you stumble across even one, you can consider it a good day. But while there's no follow through on the intellectual or financial fronts, there's more than a fair share of flirtation. Enjoy.
While getting irritated by all the details, you're forgetting the whole point of a project. If it doesn't bring in any money, it's not worth the headache. And if it does, it's worth the aggravation times ten. You can't afford not to know which it is.
You never know when your next big money making idea will come to you. Use every opportunity to brainstorm. Socializing with friends should definitely be considered a form of research.
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Going over the finer details only makes things look even worse. Ignore everything that you can't do anything about anyway. It takes all of your cold logic and then some to talk yourself out of complete stagnation.
On the one hand, it's an exciting new world. On the other, you're terrified. You'll have to figure out how to make the most of your dual natured approach to your finances.
When prices fall this fast, you're tempted to try to get a deal. But be careful any time money changes hands. An unusual minor detail could take all the fun out of your transaction.
The ultimate outcome might not be up to you, but you'll never win if you're not even trying. Stay busy today. Tackle everything before you as if it's your winning ticket.
Someone is trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, but that's obvious to you. What's not is why they think you're such an easy mark. Make them cut to the chase before they waste your whole day.
Your take on your current financial situation may not be unique but it's certainly creative. You'll manage to spin straw into gold if you let your imagination wander.
You may not be the only one feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world economy, but you're not joining anyone in their pity party. You have no illusions about crying yourself a river. Let yourself shed a single tear, then get busy.
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