Your Daily DogScope for January 22, 2023
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
You and your buddies give the word ardent a whole new meaning. You are all loving life and taking action. Whatever you do, do it with zeal.
Taking your time and going over all the details is right up your alley, but you have too many dogs to choose from to take that approach today. Give each one the once-over as quickly as possible.
You would gladly take the advice of your packmates, if only they would communicate it to you. The are, but it's oh so subtle. Look for their opinions in their smell, their gaze, even their stance.
You may feel like you're walking on eggshells. If your mind is on a bad memory, learn from it. The best way to avoid a skirmish is to avoid the dog park altogether.
You don't have to go to great lengths to win over a convert. Just being yourself will change someone's opinion. Be the good dog that you are, because you never know when you're being watched.
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One or two high-spirited dogs is fine, but more than that and everyone gets combative. Don't push the pack over the edge. If you can't stay calm yourself, then stay home.
When it comes to tables scraps, your owner can be really great about it or just awful. It's a toss up when it comes to quantity, but even if it's only a crumb, you'll get tossed something of quality.
Don't butt your head in where you're not welcome. It won't be hard to tell just which dogs to avoid. Treat them like they're oil and you're water, or conflicts could get ugly.
Masculine energy, feminine energy -- it's all the same to you. Such is the plight or the domesticated dog. It's not all bad, though. With no distractions, you and your packmates can have fun with other games.
If you feel you just can't go on, think of how hard your ancestors had it. Eating from a can is not as bad as all that. Let the safety and security of your cushy life erase your worries.
An informal sort of pattern has emerged with you and your owner. You're in the lull part of the design, so conserve your energy until you get back to the active curve.
Your owner just can't seem to absorb the ideas you're spelling out so clearly. Walks, treats, walks, treats. What is there not to understand? Break through the haze in whatever way you can.
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