Your Daily DogScope for January 20, 2023
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
It's not volunteer work exactly, but it does involve others. Doing as little as possible isn't healthy for you or others. Be active and those around you will be, too.
One way to forget about your problems is to tell them to your friends, doggy fashion. Once you get some sympathetic licks, go on to more important things, like romping with loved ones.
Real change is really easy, so don't waste time dreaming about it. A simple think like walking with slack can make your human see you in a whole new light. Enjoy the rewards.
Guarding the house sounds easy, but it requires attention to detail that you just don't have the ability to do today. The only vanquished intruders on the schedule will be in your daydreams.
Cooler dogs prevail. When others fly off the handle there's all the more reason for you to stay calm. You're out of character today by being calm, cool and collected.
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One project down, and none to go. Your human finally has a breather. You'll get all the attention you've been missing the past few weeks, with interest, so enjoy.
Don't get upset if your owner can't keep up with you. You have all the leash you need to have an excellent leash, as long as you look over your shoulder every now and again.
Wouldn't it be exciting if you really were on the trail of something big? Reality and fantasy interface as you follow a mysterious path of breadcrumbs.
If you're just not that excited about going to the dog park anymore, it's time to broaden your horizons. Whether it's new dogs or new paths, there's no point in sticking with what worked in the past.
Your human is getting a lot done on a big project, and that has them feeling good. You know the perfect way to channel all that energy, and the time is finally right to distract them for it.
Don't push things. You're as cute as can be, but everyone has their limits. If that rings a bell, you know where to cut back. And if it doesn't, start with the begging.
You assist your owner is so many ways, now it's time to do something for yourself. With your high energy, nothing but a long walk or a fast romp will do the trick, with or without your human.
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