Your Daily DogScope for January 18, 2023
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Your human needs more than hard work alone to achieve goals. A break every now and then will do them worlds of good. It's on you to make the suggestion, and you know just how.
Being a buttoned-down dog is not your style, but you're not the outrageous type, either. Find a pack that matches your middle of the road taste if you want to avoid skirmishes.
Your human could change their opinion, radically. Yes, they're the same human they've always been, just with a new point of view. Once you get re-acquainted, enjoy.
Going for the intellect works when you're trying to pick the gate lock or find the way into the pantry, but for mundane daily conflicts, go for emotion. Make sure you know which category a new situation falls under before you react.
You and your human have to work together if you want to have enjoyable walks. Which direction you go in shouldn't be a matter of pride for either of you. Be adaptable.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
Hmm, things are not quite the same today as they were yesterday. You might not be able to put your paw on it all day, but come chow you'll definitely be registering a difference.
You don't have to have extreme fun to have a good day. Just getting along well with your packmates will do the trick. That low-key pleasure that comes from loving and being loved is the highlight of your day.
Be open to new ideas, especially where decorating the doghouse is concerned. There will be enough conflict between the humans over it without you barking in your two cents' worth.
If new humans are immune to your many wonderful qualities, it's time to get creative. Keep an open mind when it comes to finding ways to woo them, and you'll manage to win them over.
You can't imagine not barking at the mail, but it goes further than that. Being won over by the mailman is the shocker of a lifetime, and all they do to accomplish it is change in a subtle way.
Your high energy inspires others, on two legs and four. But although a group run sounds attractive, keep your distance. Read your owner's tea leaves: one too many leashes a tangled mess makes.
To spend the entire day daydreaming is not an unrealistic vision. You'll be storing up energy for the not too distant future, so let your mind wander and your legs twitch.
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