Your Daily DogScope for January 05, 2024
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
It's back to the old grindstone, even for you. Your owners place their careers above the doghouse every weekday, and that's hard work for you too. Make the most of it, as only you can.
You can howl the hours away, or you can enjoy spending time alone. The only thing you have to get a grip on to make that difference is your own attitude. Think of it as a good personal day.
Your owner is the one being held back for a change, but not by you. That would be just too perfect. While you may have a case of schadenfreude, do you best to smother them with only the most empathetic of emotions.
Something is at the very periphery of your awareness. Your human is having problems at work or is out of balance in some other way you can't put your paw on just yet. Don't bother waiting for things to be clear. Be your most loving self now.
You have no trouble listening to everything your owner has to say, even the unspoken bits. That's because you can tuck your ego aside and focus on someone other than yourself. It's ironic, but give yourself a pat on the back for your efforts.
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The fun is ultimately worth the wait. It's hard work watching the door all day long, but it pays off when your owner walks through it. In fact, the scene has the uncanny ability to wipe out your memory of an otherwise dull day.
The sooner you learn to accept some limits, the happier you'll be. A leash is par for the course. If it helps you justify wearing it, imagine all you'd lose if you refused. Your basket and bowl are but two.
Sometimes it takes sheer willpower to get your point across. Communication is at an all-time low for some reason. If you have to resort to old-fashioned whining or drooling, do so.
You can't put your paw on just what makes one spot prime and another, well, undesirable. Is it the view? The material? The neighbors? Whatever it is, don't bother shopping around for anything better than the turf you already have.
You'll finally get the incentive you need to be a good dog, even when you're all by yourself. A bit of recognition from your owner at the end of the day goes a long way.
You may not be sure why you're shown the crate or led into the laundry room. If Monday morning means nothing to you, then you'll have the pattern figured out before too long. For now, don't fight it.
There are still ways to be of assistance to your humans, even when they aren't home. Just remembering not to chew and ignoring the trash would be a big help. Start small and work from there.
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