Your Daily DogScope for April 14, 2022
Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.
Don't let yourself be impulsive. Your need for independence could put you in an awkward spot if you jump at any opportunity. If it's hard to keep your restlessness in check, then be thankful for your tight collar.
You've been encountering plenty of evidence, and you're beginning to believe the rumors. Don't be taken in by jealous dogs. Continue giving your furry friend the benefit of the doubt.
That cat is such a brainiac. All she does is think. Or is she receiving instructions from the mother ship? Whatever it is, she's a mystery to you, and one you shouldn't spend much time unraveling.
You're nothing if not scrupulous. Why else would you bark your lungs out every time the mailman arrives? And although you get none of the credit you deserve, just keep doing your job; it's the responsible thing to do.
Romance is impossible for you, and your business like manner in that arena is not lost on other dogs, albeit a select few. Go ahead and indulge in what does get you all fired up: exploration and travel.
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You know how it is meeting other dogs -- all stiff and formal, and even some raised fur. That doesn't mean it's time to fight, though; just ride it out until all involved overcome the tension.
Brooding about the cat has become your favorite project. Why waste your time that way? Take on one of the cat's characteristics, instead: Pretend you don't give her a single thought.
Rumor has it that your owner is a spend-a-holic. It's true that she can get caught up in just about any sale, but that's hardly unusual. Those fancy dog outfits, though, could qualify. All the more reason to return them.
Expect the unexpected, especially where your canine friendships are concerned. You and your buddies certainly know how to be best friends, but everyone slips up every now and then.
Your vocabulary may be limited, but you can interpret what a human is trying to say with unconscious speed. You'll slip your collar or bolt out the door before your owner has time to say sit.
Sometimes it feels as if you and your friends are from two different planets. You manage to muddle through, but somehow you just don't connect. It might be a good day to stay in your basket.
A dog is acting a bit too righteous for your taste. Story has it that he spent a long time on the street before he found his forever home. That doesn't make him a hero in your eyes, but it does in others.
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