Your Daily Couples Horoscope for September 10, 2022
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Communication is important, but so is fun. Pour your intense energy into heating up your romance. There's no excuse for lagging in that department except your own laziness.
Expect to feel loved and you'll be rewarded generously. Don't cave in to the lure of cynicism; ignore the dark clouds and focus on your own private silver lining.
Laughing and playing are just as important as the serious stuff of managing work and household errands. Remember that your lover is also your best friend, and start up a game of tag or gin rummy.
Your philosophy of romance may contradict your instincts in this situation. Ditch one or the other and move ahead with a clearer mind. Sometimes the senses pass along conflicting information, but you can sort it all out.
Is your relationship making you feel like you're paddling against the current right now? Not to worry. Your intuition is about to take over this boat and move you in the right direction.
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Don't give up now. Look to your significant other for some encouragement if work or something else gets you down. Acknowledging your pessimism is a good start. Faking optimism won't help.
The future's in your hands. Try to be careful so you don't drop it. Look at it from as many different angles as you can, and make sure to include your partner's perspective in the mix.
Hold on to your thoughts for the time being. They could be the result of grumpiness instead of real honesty. Temper your bluntness or prepare for some hurt feelings and explanations.
You're always a social animal, but right now you're an extremely social animal. Round up the crew for a major night on the town with your partner in tow.
The future is unlimited if you work together to accomplish your goals. Make sure there are equal amounts of give and take. Ask for a back rub and offer one in return.
Tiptoe over to the wild side with your companion. You're both itching to break out of your shell. Lead the way to excitement and they'll follow in your fancy footsteps.
You could double-book yourself with social friends and your introverted partner. Instead of canceling on one of them, wave your soothingly magical wand and invent a fun solution.
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