Your Daily Couples Horoscope for October 13, 2021
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Your sweetheart can talk this plan up all they want, but you see the snags in the plan. Now it's up to you to explain them. Do it delicately. They'll appreciate your kindness and your point will be easier to take.
This new face might seem awfully cute and charming, but hold off before you start comparing them to your sweetheart. You know how the grass is always greener? Look at your darling's qualities from the outside.
Distance doesn't just lend enchantment; it does so at an incredibly low, low interest rate. So take a little space, literally or figuratively. The new perspective will make you appreciate a lot about your relationship.
You and your darling are having a discussion, but you're approaching it from different perspectives. Are you working with logic and intellect while they're trying to deal with emotions? Get straight about that first.
A creative effort sparks a chain of ideas that could potentially go somewhere. Just remember that small steps are the key to getting anywhere. This might not be ready for critical eyes just yet -- even your sweetie's.
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Actions definitely speak louder than words, especially when your darling is balking at something you know would benefit you both. It's not the hard sell, exactly -- it's more like leading by example.
Make an effort with your partner. A 'comfortable' relationship doesn't have to mean 'boring.' If you sense that the two of you are falling into a rut, it's time to get out there and try something new on the double.
Finances can be a tricky area in a relationship, but it's better to address those issues now. Left untended, they can turn into a sticky mess. If you tackle them now with honesty, you'll skirt any potential fracas.
One of you -- possibly both -- is holding onto some old, deep-seated resentments. No, they're not 'too silly' to discuss. If you're not ready to address them together, then you need to work on them individually.
Sometimes you're the one who needs a little pick-me-up. Other times, it's your partner who needs a jump-start. The nice thing is that you're getting a system down so that you're never down at the same time.
You're demanding that your darling treat you with respect, but the stars want to know if you've been extending yourself that same courtesy. Circumstances adjust when your self-confidence gets a boost where it counts.
Being fair and balanced means not letting your emotions come into play -- but where's the fun in that? Go ahead and listen to what your heart has to say on this matter. Feelings are a type of evidence, too.
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