Your Daily Couples Horoscope for January 21, 2023
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
A makeover isn't just for the surface. It helps renovate your soul. This is especially true if you've been feeling blah lately. Use your gorgeousness for good, especially when you wow your partner.
You and your partner are phenomenal. Just how are you able to do everything you do and not keel over in exhaustion? Share your secrets with those who ask.
Are you trying to think of ways to reheat this romance without resorting to...leftovers? Try thinking like your partner. There's something that lights their fire, and your subconscious knows what it is.
There's nothing like a cozy night together. It's the little touches that remind you just how lucky you are. Don't hassle with a gourmet meal. Get some Chinese takeout and use your fanciest chopsticks.
Are you two spending time and energy on people with bad habits? People who aren't going to change no matter how much you want them to? Move on. You have better things to do with your abilities.
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No matter how much you and your partner are tempted to play double or nothing right now, let your fiscally cautious side take control. If you have big plans for the future, now is the time to save.
You don't have to carry that burden by yourself. Ask and your partner will gladly lend a hand. If pride is holding you back, get past it. They want to help. You need the help. Get to it.
Two key ingredients in a successful relationship are simple to remember but not easy to act on: kindness and humor. Remind yourself that everyone is fallible. Cut your partner (and yourself) some slack.
Taking care of the body automatically improves the mind and mood. Eat a healthy diet and get some exercise. It doesn't seem like relationship advice, but you'll be surprised by how much things improve.
Mind your P's and Q's, or your sweetheart might mind them for you. Your straightforward energy is great for a lot of things, but it might not work as well when someone's in a more delicate frame of mind.
In a relationship, it's important to know when things will come out in the wash and when other items might leave a permanent mark. So ask yourself if this situation merits breaking out the stain remover.
Part of being in a relationship is knowing when (and what) to let go. A little judicious editing or a case of selective memory might help both of you in the long run. Forgiveness eases everything.
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