Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 12, 2021
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Keeping your ideals about what a relationship could be is important, but it's equally as necessary to realize what kind of efforts have to go into your day-to-day interactions. Add a little practicality to your dreams.
Listening to others' advice about your relationship can be an eye opener about their perceptions of their own relationships. Keep in mind that what they're saying isn't necessarily applicable to your situation.
A little conflict is part of the deal when it comes to a relationship. Rather than avoiding it, embrace it. Heck, have a little fun with it. (And if any sign knows how to make bickering into a game, it's you.)
Did one of you blurt something out without thinking? Hey, it happens to everybody now and then. If you're the blurter, apologize quickly and sincerely. If it was your partner, accept their apology without any resentment.
Do something that reignites the romantic spark between you two. When's the last time you and your partner had a conversation -- something that didn't concern logistics, the state of your union or other pragmatic items?
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Some helpful astral influences make it easy for you and your sweetheart to talk about once forbidden subjects. Your mood is frank, open and receptive, so you two won't have to worry about any hurt feelings.
Talk is cheap, except when it's coming from you. You have the ability to express even the harshest truths in a palatable, even charming, way. Your sweetheart truly hears what you're saying and, what's more, understands.
You want to keep as many options open for as long as you can, but your significant other thinks you need to seal the deal on one particular possibility or it might get away. Can you two find a happy medium?
Things are really heating up between you and your lover, and while you're digging the passion and excitement, part of you is wondering if it's too good to be true. Stay in the moment and don't chase trouble.
Outwardly you may seem as if you're slightly scatterbrained, but you're in touch with all the things that truly matter. Tell your partner he or she needs to pick up the slack while you address pressing topics right now.
When you focus on keeping the lines of communication clear, you two will soon see tangible and happy results. Romance improves immediately. It's amazing what can happen when you learn to express yourself.
You can't always explain what's going on with you, nor should you try. After all, a little mystery is the spice of life. But if you need or want something specific from your sweetheart, say it. Don't make them guess.
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