Your Daily Couples Horoscope for August 08, 2021
Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!
Keep the romance alive! Craft a bunch of sweet notes that you can leave for your sweetie over the next few weeks. They'll bring a smile to their face -- and you love that.
You can't seem to make up your mind about anything today! Leave minor decisions like what to have for dinner to your sweetie, and save the big stuff for later, when your mind is clear.
Things keep you on your toes, so any daydreaming about your big plans will have to wait until later. Plan to discuss the details with your sweetie over dinner. You'll both have a lot to talk about.
You've got so many tasks you're trying to juggle that it's no surprise you're feeling overwhelmed. Figure out what has to stay and what can be eliminated. Your lover might even be relieved if you had fewer social obligations.
Today finds you feeling torn between work and spending time with your sweetheart. If you're job is demanding extra hours from you, promise your sweetheart you'll make it up to them when things calm down.
Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!
Today presents some challenges, and you may feel discouraged. Just do your best to get through the day and remember that your sweetheart's love is there to get you through the night.
Part of the joy of being coupled is having someone to share your discoveries with. Let your sweetie in on your new favorite song or the cute new place you get coffee in the morning.
Temptations are all around you, and today you'll find them especially difficult to resist. Take some time to remind yourself of all the good things you have. You don't want to put them in jeopardy.
You've got a lot on your mind, but you're not coming up with any answers. Leave the heavy stuff for another day, and let your focus be on enjoying time with your sweetie. You revisit any concerns with a fresh perspective later.
You'll want to avoid seeming flighty today, especially if your job calls on you to impress your higher ups. Keep your giddiness under control until you get home, then you can be as silly as you want with your sweetheart.
Just because your relationship is long-term doesn't mean it can't have the sizzle of new love! Recreate some of your early adventures with your lover. You may even make them hotter than they were the first time around!
Plan something special for your lover, but don't let them know what it is just yet. Give them some clues and let them guess. Keeping it a mystery and letting the anticipation build will add another level of excitement.
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